a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

I feel the same way buddy…hate to leave the fresh snow…

We got a foot of fresh overnight/early AM. And it was still snowing when we left. Hopefully we get tons more for Christmas!

Started an account on YouTube so now the world can see how awesome they are :) (actually did it because if I used my iPhone 4 to record the video, and then used the iPhone Facebook App to upload it to Facebook, you could NOT use your iPhone 4 to view it. Excellent.)

But more husky awareness is always good :)

I think Stormy is doing better today for sure. He woke up much more bright-eyed! I got him outside to pee even in the rain (he hates the rain.) Now, he didn’t eat his breakfast but he ate some ground turkey that I gave him separately, and then ate some cheese and a cookie. So he is eating some and just being picky it seems. I think he learned from his brother, that the medicine gets hidden in there and it tastes yucky. So I will not put it in his dinner and see how that goes. Supposedly, women are not supposed to touch his trilostane (his Cushings medicine) as it’s bad for child-bearing age women (like propecia is) but I have to since I have to get the pill back onto his tongue so he will swallow it. I think I’ve used 1/4 bottle of handsoap between yesterday and today to scrub my hands afterwards. Hopefully not really a big deal. Stormy has always been easy to give medicine to – just put it in his food. But this time notsomuch. Booger.

So I will try making him some turkey and rice for dinner today. And some for Angelus of course since it’s his birthday!!! He is 10 years old today!!! What a scooby! Poor buddy doesn’t get to have any fun though :( I can’t leave Storm so no walks and it’s raining anyway. But the rain also means no yard time even. That sucks. But I told him we will make it up to him! And we will for sure!

10 years ago, on New Year’s Eve day, we went and picked up Angelus. He was 7.5 weeks old. He was such a fluffy little monster. Now he is fluffy big monster :) He has been the best, most awesome dog ever. He was my Christmas present that year. There is simply no way I could ever get a better gift in my life than the gift of such an awesome friend. Angelus is very Siberian in that he is not overly affectionate with most people. He loves his pack but everyone else he could care less about. I guess he is kinda like me in that way :)

I used to carry that little booger to bed every night until I simply could not physically do it anymore. He has always come with me pretty much everywhere. For his first year, he went everywhere with me. Then we got Storm with the idea they would keep each other company and not have to come with me everywhere. Well…now they both come everywhere with me :)

Angelus is a brave bud. When he was still a little puppy, we were at the dog park. He has always loved playing with other dogs and being chased. He doesn’t care about balls or sticks. He wants something live to chase or to chase him. So he will always run up to other dogs to say “hi, play with me.” He was still pretty little – not even really “teen” size. A little puppy. A guy came to the dog park with 5 giant Rottweilers. Angelus ran straight over to them as they came in and just stood there blocking the entrance like “This is my park.” I was like ARGH! I mean – I assume if you are bringing them to the dog park they are friendly, but you just never know how dogs will react and I was still a new doggie mom. The Rottweilers all sniffed him and walked around him. The guy laughed and said I was going to have a handful with him as he shows no fear at all which is odd for a puppy. What a buddy.

He has never shown fear of any other dog ever. He is usually the peacekeeper and always goes over to tussles if they start at dog parks or the beach and gets in the middle of them to break them up. He never, ever starts fights. But he will finish them if necessary. He has attacked 2 German Shepherds who attacked Storm, attacked a pit/Rhodesian Ridgeback who attacked Storm, and ran straight at a pit bull who was off leash and running straight at me. When we saw the bear in our driveway, he wanted to follow him. He protects his pack :) Now…if you are a bumble bee, well….he is outta there! He and I were attacked by an organized army of yellow jackets. I have never seen anything like it. They literally chased us down to attack us. Was a very, very unpleasant experience for the both of us. And ever since then, when he hears that buzzing he takes off. I can’t really blame him. But it’s a bit funny that he would rather face a bear than a bee :)

I have a lot of fun stories about him. I have a LOT of cute pictures of him. Like…a lot :) He has been such a great friend. He is loyal and loves his pack. He loves chicken and cheese. He loves snow and running on the beach. He wants to run free (like huskies do) and investigate everything. He is very smart and can figure things out if he wants something. He can be very stubborn. I love him.

So happy birthday to my big buddy! I will get you your favorite treat tomorrow (McNuggets) and we will have beach fun! We will just consider this your birthday season and celebrate as much as we can since we can’t today.

An amazingly handsome guy:

Angelus at 7.5 weeks old

Angelus at 1 year old

Angelus in his natural element :)

Sit with Angelus while he eats his dinner. He didn’t eat his breakfast which has been stressing me out all day. He is hanging out in the front yard so I sit on the lawn with him. He eats – all is well with the world…whew :)

Go back inside and am kinda-sorta watching Godfather 3 as I run around the house doing chores. Husband has never seen it from beginning to end and he just finished re-watching Godfather 2 and I am always happy to have those playing…

I decide to stop and watch a bit.

Then bring in my new Vogue that just arrived.

Then read (again) that I really need a white bikini for this summer.

Grab laptop, search, find one, order one. Whew…

Finish Vogue as I continue listening to/watching Godfather 3.

Check on Angelus who is in the front yard. He is staring at a family and their little dog as they walk by and apparently and scaring them. He is in *his*yard people. Nothing to see here, move along, move along…

Pay more attention to Godfather 3. Pope John Paul I is killed. Hey – this is based on a real guy, let’s learn more. Bing search (that’s right – a big FU to Google) assassination of John Paul I.

Read some excellent conspiracy theories about that! One with a Wikipedia link to Angelus:


And then it’s all full circle again as I go back out and hug and see (the fluffy) Angelus :)

p.s. Not what Angelus is named after though…if you were wondering.

Anyone who knows me (or reads me) knows my love for Han and Chewie. If you walk into my office..you will have no doubt. Or my home office. I do collect other characters but they wins hands-down in the volume department: https://a99kitten.com/?p=1212 (or you can search my Star Wars category:) )

Han is a scoundrel. But a lovable one. With a sarcastic wit that I love. And Chewie is his faithful sidekick. Two strong and loyal men flying around in the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy – how could a girl resist :)

This blog on AMC makes a very good argument for Chewbacca as the Ultimate Sidekick. No arguments from me:


It also links you to the MTV segment from 1997 (aye carumba that was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…)  I think Chewie reminds me of my dog Angelus so much which is why I love his character more and more.  The strong, loyal guy who will be the first to jump into danger to defend you from anything but will run from that one weird/scary noise (for Chewie the garbage monster…for Angelus – bees.) I actually got a little misty-eyed re-watching this…yes, I am a geek. But that’s ok with me :)

I know in the post-ROTJ world of books written, long after Han and Leia get married and have kids, something happens to Chewie. I have the book. I read the excerpt. I felt like I was going to cry. I put the book away. Much like Joey did on Friends – I think it belongs in the freezer…and feel no need to read that one. And actually stopped reading the entire series. I don’t need that. Stupid storyline if you ask me.

Whenever I go to a Con – I look for Chewie…I always find him :) And try to get pictures! Husband points out it’s just some guy in a suit looking for a reason to hug girls and NOT actually a Wookie. I ask him if he can prove that ;-)

SDCC 2006

SDCC 2006

SDCC 2005

SDCC 2005

Storm has been on his Cushing’s medication (Trilostane) since September 20th. He started on 1 dose of 10mg and then 1 week later moved up to 2 doses per day of 10mg. This is pretty low for his body weight but his doctor said body weight isn’t the only measurement for Cushings’ dogs (so yes husband, we ARE listening to his doctor and not you…)

All this week he has wanted to go on the walks in the mornings. This is a *great* improvement in his energy level! He has been choosing to not go on walks in the mornings for a few months now. This was one of the reasons I originally knew something was wrong and, sure enough, lack of energy is a symptom of Cushing’s. Now, AM walks for us are 1.5 – 2 hours every morning. For the past few months, I would take him out for 20 mins or so but he is a husky…they should have energy – even the lazy, couch-loving ones :) So he is now doing 1.5 hours or so. Not uphill hikes yet but I am hoping we get back there! When he wants to stay home – I take Angelus on those (who just wants to go and go and go….)

He even tried to be alpha with another dog this past week! The fact that he showed any real interest in the other dog’s existence is good. He just hasn’t cared about meeting other dogs lately. Storm has known he is “2nd boss” or the “underboss” since he was about 16-18 months old. He used to try to challenge Angelus but Angelus had none of that. For a couple month period of time we would have to pull them apart on occasion (usually a treat was involved) but this never happens now. They are great pals. Storm knows Angelus is the alpha (under me of course.) However, he views this as a 2nd in command kind of job. Like Chewie :) All other dogs must bow to him. And he has Angelus there to back him up (who has protected his little brother on numerous occasions.) Angelus has beaten up (blood drawn after they attacked Storm) 3 other dogs in defense of his little brother. He is a good big brother…

This cartoon ALWAYS pops up in my head when thinking about their relationship. Angelus is nicer to Storm than Spike is to Chester….but same idea :)

p.s. these old Looney Tunes/WB cartoons rule over anything they produce now IMHO…

Now, Storm has always been the lazier of the huskies but he would go (and go and go) if he was out there. And this week he has wanted to! So I am very happy with this improvement!

He also is drinking a bit less water. Still more than his normal levels, but a bit less than it has been for the last few months. He is still acting like he is starving to death. I hate to think that he feels so, so hungry all the time. Like he is actually starving. But again, a symptom of his disease and he is not starving. But someone at work actually said, in all seriousness, (as she gave the buddies chicken and cheese), that the buds didn’t get fed enough! OMG! They have formulated their plan and put it work for them. It’s called the sad, pathetic, brown-eyed puppy plan. Boogers…

So, all in all, a week or so of improvement for Storm on his medication. He gets his next test on 10/22. This will show us how the medication is doing in his blood, do we up the dosage, etc. They said “oh Storm….he is sooooo sweet….can you pick him up as soon as he is ready?” Ummm….ok :) I guess he makes a bit of a howling fuss…what a buddy :)

Woke up around 1:00am to a Stormy face staring at me “need to go out Mom!” Took him out and he went potty and back in we came and thankfully I feel back asleep pretty easily (not usual for me lately.)

Around 5am, still pitch dark out, Stormy face staring at me again. Ok, buddy….he seems to be having some tummy issues (will spare any details) but he got that out and back to bed. Of course, now falling back asleep is not that easy. If it had been a little light out, I would have gotten up and taken the buds out for a walk. Very cold last night/early morning so they would have liked that. However, walking in the foresty area in the dark is not such a good plan in coyote and bear country :) ALTHOUGH, maybe I would have seen the bear I’ve been trying to see all year!! But I heard the coyotes earlier and didn’t want to deal with that. I know they will generally stay away from people and big dogs but walking myself into a pack of them is a Darwin Award for sure…

So I tossed and turned and tried to get back to sleep. And my mind was racing with thoughts of what chores I wanted to get done today, what fun stuff I wanted to do, where should I hike, why is Stormy having tummy issues, he didn’t eat anything weird – or did he? When will his medicine arrive? What if he still has tummy issues – I should wait to start his medicine as that’s a sign to take him off if it. Ooooh – don’t forget to sign up for the Survivor Football pool, and check my Fantasy teams, oh yeah, excited to finish my book today, what should I read next? Can’t wait to get my Kindle! Race…race…race. This is what happens when I wake up anytime after 4am-ish.

I did manage to fall asleep though. And around 6:30am, again woken up by a Stormy face staring at me. And this time it was urgent. Ok, out we go. It’s also amazing to me that my husband magically sleeps through all of this but if I move the covers wrong or turn on a light, his sleep has been ruined. ?????

But now, because I did manage to fall back asleep, I was actually very tired when I woke up this time. So after taking Storm out, I got back into bed and wanted to go back to sleep. No dice. Angelus came in and thought hey – it’s light out, you just took Storm out and not me, GET UP! RRRUUUUUF! He only ever does one. Huskies aren’t barkers. Angelus uses his 1 bark as communication. It is used at different times but basically has the same meaning: get up, move it, take me out, give me a treat, play with me. His one “ruff” will mean any of these things and you will have no doubt which one it is when it happens. Very good communicators these huskies are!

By now it was about 7am. Ok, Mom just get up. Fed the buds and then got dressed. It was 45 degrees out so I knew they would be happy. Gave them their vitamins and then asked husband, who had said he wanted to go on our walk this morning (umm…yeah..), if he was coming. He was still lying in bed with the covers pulled up. I already knew the answer but gave him the chance. “No” he says. “I would have if I got enough sleep but the dogs kept waking me up” (really? you seemed to be in a coma to me?)

I closed the bedroom door and off we went. Very quiet and peaceful out. I am worried why Storm is having these tummy issues. I’ll get him ground turkey and white rice today and make that for his dinner. It’s the easiest thing on their digestion. Hopefully this fixes it in a day or 2. Or I’ll be up 3 or 4 times again during the night and calling the vet.

I brought Storm back after a short walk and took Angelus on a longer one. Then did the dishes, made some coffee, checked my email, got annoyed by my email, and wrote down my To Do list for today. Stormy is sound asleep at my feet and Angelus is relaxing on the desk. Husband is still sleeping. He was feeling sick yesterday so he better sleep that off and not give me his germs!

So happy Labor Day to the Moms of fluffy and human kids everywhere. You labor way more than some organized union worker collecting his/her “entitled” wages, pension and benefits until the day they retire and finally die….

I finally finished reading the Entertainment Weekly mag featuring vampires. I must admit, I wanted to buy it to see where Angel/Angelus and Edward Cullen placed :) But I have loved vampires much longer than I have been familiar with these 2 characters.

I was first really intrigued by vampires after seeing the 1979 version of  “Dracula” starring Frank Langella. I remember seeing that movie with my Mom and just thinking vampires were the *coolest* ever. I didn’t go to public school. I had a private tutor (my Dad did not like the local public schools) and so I was allowed 1 period of my study for a subject of my choosing. So I chose vampires, werewolves, witches, etc. I was already kinda there with so much Arthurian reading and delving into Merlin,Morgan Le Fey and paganism. So just one or two more steps…I read every book I could find. I was such a regular at the library.

Although, in looking back, it does seem strange that neither my parents or my tutor thought this troubling. I guess since I had excellent grades, never caused any trouble, did all of my chores voluntarily and didn’t wear black – I could safely study the pagan arts and creatures of the night without causing any adult worry :)

I was quite annoyed by EW’s assertion (or the story’s author’s assertion anyway) that the first “sexy” vampire was Tom Cruise’s portrayal of LeStat.  Langella was HOT in this role. By far sexier and certainly before LeStat was ever even created. This entire movie is GREAT. Sir Laurence Olivier plays Dr. Van Helsing. And Frank Langella as the Count – awesome. And very creepy parts too. I *highly* recommend watching this version.

Frank Langella's Dracula

Frank Langella's Dracula

I read Interview With a Vampire before the movie was cast and enjoyed it. But when I heard Tom was cast as LeStat I was mortified. And I actually LOVE Tom Cruise – especially back then!  But I simply could not see him as LeStat. He was Maverick.  And Maverick-like characters. Completely different characters from LeStat.

Now, I really liked this book. But I didn’t love this book. Louis is a frackin’ whiner and I simply could not deal with his constant whine, whine, whine. LeStat was a welcome distraction to his whining for sure! And when I saw the movie I was taken aback by how much I loved Cruise’s LeStat. He definitely made the movie fun. And did not have to have a creepy movie kiss with kiddie Kristen Dunst (heebie-jeebies…). Good for him going against type and showing the nay-sayers (me included!) that he could rock the role.

I did NOT like Coppola’s “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” at all. And not because of Keanu Reeves. I just thought it was a boring, overly pretentious movie. And I liked the book, like the director and all the actors. Just the movie as a whole practically put me to sleep and I’m not that hard to please in the movie-watching department. How Gary Oldman ended up on the EW Top Vampire list (#10??) and not Frank Langella is mind-boggling. I like Gary Oldman…but not as Dracula in this movie.

And Gary’s vamp (#10) was ahead of Kiefer (#14) in Lost Boys?? Kiefer’s David was excellent. That movie ruled! Obviously completely different version but thoroughly enjoyable, entertaining, jumpy/scary and funny. The Coreys simply couldn’t do better (and so they seriously took a digger to avoid any kind of comparison obviously.) Dianne Wiest was excellent as the clueless Mom. Plus *great* soundtrack. I will always watch this if I come across it on TV.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the movie) – meh. I can remember I only really cared to see it because Luke “Dylan McKay” Perry was in it! However, Buffy the series – I loved from Episode 1. Still love it. When I’m flipping through the channels and come across a rerun – I will absolutely watch it. My favorite character was Angel/Angelus. Yes – he is absolutely physically hot (met David Boreanz at SD Comic Con – RAWR!! and very sweet in real life too!) But Angel was also tortured and bad but good and just awesome :) I was so sad when he left Sunnydale but watched every single episode of Angel (more than once) and feel they did a better job with the Angel series than Buffy after Angel left Buffy. The writing was darker, more grown-up but they also kept a dark humor to it. One of my favorite episodes was “Smile Time.”

My Angel puppet from the "Smile Time" episode

My Angel puppet from the "Smile Time" episode

And of course whenever Angelus took over and came out to play…he was great when he was being the ultimate baddie (and yes, where I got my dog’s name from.)

Sure, they lost it a bit during the whole Conner/Cordelia and Jasmine story lines but still – always loved the show. Buffy went downhill with Angel leaving, then Dawn arriving, Buffy turned into a whore, died, came back and then fell for Spike?? No. Eww. No offense to Spike – great character – but as a BAD guy!!! He and Drusilla were awesome together! Second vampire with a soul who Buffy falls for – no, yuck. Cheap, blonde imitation of Angel at that point. But was sad to see Buffy end. And was VERY sad when Angel ended. Much darker series ender…I just recently found out they have made some graphic novels as a follow up to that ending. I need to get on reading those (into my never-ending stack of reading!) But now with both off the air…there were no more vamps :(

We did have the Blade movies (first movie was good but the others – meh) and the Underworld series which I liked. But again – the first one I loved and the rest – ok. Although I did just read a rumor today that Selene (Kate Beckinsale) is returning in #4 (she was not in #3.) Notice though having said meh to the movies…I did see them :) What can I say – I love the vampire/werewolf story.

And to really capture the apparent epic battle between vampires and werewolves comes Twilight. And yes, I fell for Edward Cullen’s charms :) The author definitely hit a nerve in the girl market with these. She writes teen-angst very well. Edward is written as the perfect soul mate. Oh sure, there is one small issue – he’s a vampire – but whatever. True love conquers all, right?! :) I made fun of this movie when I saw the ad for it and heard all the commotion for it on TV. They (the cast) came to a mall in San Francisco to promote it before it came out and he (Robert Pattinson) was nearly trampled to death (according to the news.) I remember thinking “Are you kidding?” But then a friend and I saw it on a lark – and I think we were swooning in about 10 minutes :) Such suckers for the idealized romantic hero. So then I bought the books and am now a proud member of Team Edward. hehehe…

But now that I am almost done with Book 4 of the Twilight series and have to wait for each of the next 3 movies to come out, I will start watching True Blood and reading the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. Not sure how I will like it. I saw about 10 minutes of an ep and didn’t like it when it first aired on HBO last year. But everyone I know loves it so I bought the Season 1 DVD set and will give it as try. But none of the guys are very cute :( At least in the pictures I see of them – I want my vamps hot! ;)

Plus the EW article had a couple other book suggestions that I will check out (maybe once I get a Kindle!?) namely the “Blue Bloods” series by Melissa de le Cruz (probably my next one) and “Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter” by Laurell K. Hamilton.

Plus the CW has a new Twilight rip-off/copy coming this season called The Vampire Diaries (starts Sept 10 – set your DVR!) Who knows, it could be entertaining :) At least worth watching the first couple…

Our company has an office in Romania…aka Transylvania. I’d like to go there sometime. Prince Vlad “the Impaler” Tepes’ castle is big tourist attraction. You know, because why wouldn’t it be? :) Many more vampire tales elsewhere but can you find and go into those castles? And it’s where the name Dracula started so I think a fun visit!

All the newer tales have definitely changed up the vampire (and werewolf) lore though. So no matter how many books, legends, historical tales, and movies you consume on the subject, you can’t be sure you know everything. Because then they come along and sparkle in the sun on ya!

But at least I can say I was way ahead of this fangy fad :)