a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

Bought some fresh white peaches today. I love peaches and white peaches are even better than yellow ones when this perfectly ripe. And this is not only because I love Bellinis :)

I love peach flavored stuff too. The peach flavor gummi bears, gummi rings or jelly beans are YUM! Peach Snapple Iced tea! YUM! And they all remind me of the peach-flavored Jell-O that I used to love as a kid. That smell/taste always reminds me of being a kid in the warm summer. I remember after school, I’d go to my parents’ office and sometimes wander around the neighborhood, the local shopping centers, go play Pac-Man at the local sub shop (highest of the high scores thank you very much.) Thinking back, my parents truly trusted me to never get in trouble and wander off by myself for hours every day. I never did get in trouble so there you go.

I remember I’d go to after school programs for the Student Council (Secretary), sports (gymnastics and track) and baton (yes, I twirled a mean baton) and then on the way back from school to their office, I would walk through quiet neighborhoods. One of my friends would stop at this old guy’s house and he would give treats to the neighborhood kids. Like peach-flavored Jell-O. We would hang out there for like 30 minutes or something and then be on our way. It was boys and girls, mostly around my age-ish (10-12).

Thinking back about it I never felt unsafe or creeped out. He was a nice old guy. We always hung outside on his porch and he was nice. Maybe he had grand kids our age? Or lost someone special our age? Or maybe just a little lonely and a lot nice? Who knows. I don’t actually remember if I ever mentioned to my parents that I did this. But it seems odd that I did and they never checked it out? Especially my Dad. So I must not have. Since I never felt weird, I probably didn’t as it was just part of my day.

The sad thing is if my little brother had told me this when he was little, or if I had a kid and they did this, I would FREAK out. You can’t trust people! Who is this creep! He must be a weirdo pedophile!!! Sad that these are the first things that would enter my mind. But I know they are. Unless I personally knew the guy very well, these are absolutely the thoughts I would have. And I would never let a kid do this. And I find this sad. And depressing. Because there was not a single thing wrong with it. But I wouldn’t be stupid or naive enough to not think it these days.

Maybe when I grew up, my heart did die…meh…who cares?

There are days that I definitely feel more secure in my dog-mom hat than a little human Mom hat.

Walking the huskies this AM as usual. We’ve been out for 2 hours. We were tired and the huskies wanted to get home. We are about 3 blocks from home. We get stopped by a Mom with a kid saying “can I pet your dogs?????” This happens all the time. Sigh….but I do stop. They are awesome – how can I not share :)

Little girl. 6.8.9? I have no idea. Around that age-ish. I am already discriminating since I prefer little boys. Little girls always seem so whiny or bitchy. She comes running across the street with her Mom following. I stop and let the her near the huskies. Her Mom looks at me “Thank you for stopping” (almost a desperate look in her eyes…maybe just me.)

The Mom lets Angelus sniff her hand. And she pets him. The kid tries. Angelus moves away with no interest. Storm is standing back like “keep me out of this.” The kid keep trying to get Angelus to sniff her hand. Angelus keeps avoiding her. She breaks out into a HIGH-pitched whine/cry “Why won’t he sniff me???” She burrows her head into her Mom crying “why won’t he sniff me?!?!?!?”

See….my head editor kicks in her. Inside I say “because you are whining and annoying.” I say out loud “Well, he is interested in sniffing squirrels and gophers.” She starts whining louder. “I want him to sniff me!!!”

In my head I think you suck – why would he care about you? BUT I have a fairly decent head editor. So I say “well, just try petting him.” I really just want to take the huskies and leave…can you tell? The huskies like those that are part of their pack. Everyone else is extraneous. This is a strong husky trait. It’s also a strong me trait :)

Her LOUD whining and crying make me think – maybe I am just a great dog Mom and would not make a good human mom. Because right now, I just want to to tell you how fn annoying you are. And how my dogs have no interest in being around you because a) you are loud b) you are annoying c) you don’t get everything you want in life by being a fn whiny annoying bitch and most importantly d) you don’t smell like cat or chicken. You are not part of the husky pack and are ridiculously annoying and whiny so why would they sniff you?

Anyway, Angelus stood still for like 10 seconds. She pet him. Smiled, laughed out loud (well really who could not…they are the best!), the Mom was so happy to have a happy kid and I got the hell on my way…

I gave my boys extra treats for not being like that little girl…

I love the movie Pretty Woman. It’s sweet, romantic, fun, true love wins in the end,etc, etc. Yes, it is also about a “working girl” but we like to gloss over that little part.

But let’s talk about the fun clothes! I got to have a shopping experience similar to that. It really is a rush. My old boss was wealthy. After working for him for a couple years he went through a rough divorce. I handled all of the correspondence between him and his wife, the lawyers, the nannies/kids situations, etc. This was in addition to all actual hedge fun daytime business and job I had. Once it was basically over, he said to me one day BEFORE the market closed (unheard of!) let’s go to the city and I’ll take you shopping. Umm..ok!

He had 2 Ferraris (yes early 90s) and we drove up in the black convertible. I thought by shopping he meant we went to a store, bought me something and leave. We started at Wilkes Bashford. he said pick out whatever I wanted. Anything. The shop girls instantly assumed I was the mistress. Great. But whatever. They were VERY helpful. Moved onto Ralph Lauren, then TSE Cashmere, then Northbeach Leather and then a pair of diamond studs. I saw the AMEX bills come in later. Just south of $50k. In one afternoon. On me! Quite an obscene…and profane amount of money :) I can’t imagine any man will ever spend anywhere near that much on me in my lifetime again. I make my own money so whatever. Not really about the money anyway. But it was fun. Very fun. :)

Word got out at work and one of the analysts who had asked me out previously made a rude comment in a staff meeting. It upset me. I told my boss why I was upset. He (the analyst) was yelled at and almost fired. He (the analyst) assumed the reason I said no to a date was because I was “doing” the boss. No pal – I said no because you were the stereotypical New York Wall Street douchebag and I had less than no interest in you. And I refused to allow it to take away from the fun of the shopping trip!

My husband still says to this day he (my old boss) ruined me for all men forever. That no man could live up to the super nice, rich guy thing my boss showed me existed…even if very rare. The guy who did something very nice for someone to show appreciation and express affinity for their help, loyalty, etc. And it’s not the dollar amount. But more the fact that someone was willing to take me for an entire afternoon, which was completely against character (to leave the office during market hours!) and do something that will make someone smile, laugh and so very crazy and unexpected. That makes them smile. That’s pretty cool. And it’s a shame that my husband is probably right that most people would  not do that, even if they could, without expecting something in return.

I think I still have a pair of cool shoes from Wilkes Bashford, and a couple crocodile belts from Ralph Lauren and a leather trench from North Beach Leather. Plus separately, I bought a brown, polka dot halter dress almost identical to the one she wears at the polo match. I love that dress!

I will always remember that shopping trip as a super fun trip with a super nice guy. Proof that the nice guy DOES exist….or maybe he was the only one..

Spent a few hours today washing, vacuuming out and emptying out my old car in preparation for selling it. It’s weird. I got kinda sad. Not that I don’t love my new car – I totally do. Like…more than I thought I would!

But I’ve had my old car since December 1995. That’s a long time :) I bought him (yes, he’s a him..not a her..just felt like it) after an accident in my previous car – a Miata. Not so long story short – driving it in the rain on Highway 280 which is very windy in some parts and spun out in the rain. Hydroplaned, spun out up an embankment and ended up in the emergency lane facing traffic in a torrential downpour. But everything was OK. Didn’t hit anything, I was OK. I went to work early for stock market hours so few cars were on the freeway. As I started my car back up (it had stalled out I guess) I saw headlights coming at me. I was partially in the emergency lane and partially still on the grass. No part on the actual freeway at all. But the headlights were coming fast right at me. I jumped out of my seat and towards the middle of the car (Miatas are small – not much room to jump! And BAM – a truck crunched the entire drivers side into the middle of the car. Rain was now pouring in and I was basically sitting in the center console. I wasn’t scared though – I was angry. What the hell?

I had a car phone (an old relic nowadays but then it was quite fancy!) and called 911. I also called my boss to let him know what happened and that I’d be late.

When the police arrived, they pried my door open and got me out. Made sure I was ok, etc. After taking statements, turns out the driver of the truck saw my headlights facing him and in that split second slammed his brakes…in the rain. He hydroplaned just like I did but hit me instead of nothing like I did. Thanks. Oh…turns out uninsured, unlicensed illegal Mexican immigrant. Great. The police were very nice, very fast and got me a tow truck quickly. The tow truck driver said to me, lucky you thought to jump out of your seat or you would be part of that twisted metal. Ok.

After that, I decided I wanted a tougher car. Especially if I was going to be driving up to Tahoe a lot (which I was since I took up snow boarding the winter before and my boyfriend at the time was a pro snowboarder.) So I test drove a couple and decided on the Jeep Grand Cherokee. It was quite the luxury SUV at the time since Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, etc didn’t make SUVs then. And it drove so nicely. I loved it.

Broke up with said *cheating* snowboarder boyfriend and met my husband. So I’ve had my car longer than I’ve had him. In fact, he will still remember how on our first trip up Tahoe with friends (we weren’t dating then) I wouldn’t let him bring leftover dinner food in the car. Hey pal – it’s a nice, new car. Keep your food out of here! I will be the same with my new car now. The huskies, they can do what they want but people – nope.

So over the years as we worked all the time, he went to Stanford Business school, we started our own company, etc. I lost interest in snowboarding. Sliding my face on ice didn’t help either. But then I got a puppy. And then another. And my car was their car. And so it went from the “cool, snowboarding chick’s” car who kept it immaculate to the fluffy, sandy, muddy, snowy husky mom car :) But they make me much happier than any day/trip snowboarding could. Yes, it gets fluffy. Yes, it needs to be vacuumed and cleaned a lot. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

So 200K mikes later, it became clear I needed a new car soon. I wanted the H2. Yeah, yeah..gas-guzzler, carbon footprint, big American beast, whatever, whatever. I love it. Kinda the same reason I loved the Miata when it first came out (I had the first year) – it didn’t look like any other car out there. It was totally different. Plus it was DEFINITELY safe. I test drove – LOVED it.

But, the back was pretty small and it was higher than my car which means harder for the buds to get in. So I did eventually give up on that car. But didn’t really want any others. All other SUVs looked the same – boring. And I wanted a SUV and more room for the buds.

Husband finally got me to test drive the Range Rover Sport and I liked it. I knew I would – I’ve been an anglophile all my life so it was quite likely. And it’s quite fancy which I kinda like :) (and now I have an excuse need to buy more shoes, bags and jewelry to fit in with my car!) Plus it’s FAST. So I set out to find one. Found one at 50% the sticker (who pays that for a car???) in Texas. Supercharged even (I really, really, really need to watch my lead foot) and the color I wanted (silver). Bought it – love it. Really do. I bought a fan for the dogs and just put a bed in there today for them. We’ll see if they like it more now. They are used to having the run of the Jeep and this car has super soft fancy leather so none of that….for now anyway…

Also had a license plate frame made for it – chrome silver with black lettering “My Millennium Falcon”. Geek? Sure :) But that’s ok. My personalized plate (husky related) is now also on and it’s officially 100% the car I drive now. No more Jeep driving.

But in emptying my old Jeep today I did get oddly sad. Not that I don’t want my new car. Trust me – I do! But I’ve had that car longer than anything else I possess (except a raft of Star Wars toys and collectibles which will NEVER be sold.) Have had even longer than I’ve had my husband. So it’s weird to say good bye to him. But he’s worked hard protecting me and the huskies. So he deserves some rest now :) And my Falcon awaits some new travels!

I saw 2 TV ads for “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution” last night. It’s a show by a celeb chef aimed at getting school kids healthier lunches in public schools and families to eat better at home. The ad made me sick. I applaud the effort of the show. But the fact that people have allowed themselves to be so consumed by unhealthy lifestyles and then pass it on to their kids makes me angry.

I am not saying everybody should be a Size 0, or 2 or 8. That’s fine. But what I am saying is when you are a size “tent” and you have problems finding shoes that fit your sausage feet, or can’t walk up a small flight of stairs without getting winded, or need more than 1 seat on the airplane – that is not genetics. That is not “just the way my body is and it’s ok to love it as it is.” That’s get off your ass, exercise more, eat less and eat healthier, better for you food.

Look, I love junk/fatty goodness food. I mean I **love** it. I would eat McDonald’s and Taco Bell and french fries and fried chicken and fried rice and garlic bread EVERY DAY if I could. But guess what – I can’t. Not if I want to stay healthy and thin. And honestly, after you eat that food you do feel heavier, weighed down because of how heavy the food is. So do I indulge and have junk every once in a while – of course. No big deal. But you cannot eat food like that every day.

And it’s not just a superficial, how you look in a bikini thing. If you weigh too much, you die faster. Your body cannot handle it.  You are susceptible to all sorts of ailments (I won’t get started on the effect it has on healthcare costs – whole other rant.) So when I see fat people (and yes, I am calling them fat and not some stupid PC thing – get over it) eating junk – I get grossed out. Literally. Call me mean, I don’t care.  But come on. And when I see fat parents loading up their fat kids with junk – that pisses me off.  It is your job as a parent to teach them healthy eating habits, get them outside exercising, make sure they are healthy. Not just like you. And kids are mean – when they go to school they will be ridiculed. Period. And it will effect their self-esteem. Do you really want that for them?

Do I think every person should strive to be a size 2? No. That’s unrealistic. And probably very unhealthy for people that do have bigger frames, are taller, etc.  But that is no excuse to be a size tent. You should be strong/firm, able to go up and down flights of stairs with no issue, walk a few miles with your dog every day, and yes, fit into ONE airplane seat.

I see nothing wrong with Southwest, or any other airline, charging passengers for 2 seats if they can’t fit into one. You are TAKING UP two seats. You feel embarrassed? Well too bad. Kevin Smith’s recent tirade was ridiculous. I’ve seen the guy live – he is frackin’ huge. Like…HUGE. He sweats sooo much just walking back and forth on the stage. And sounded winded half way through his show. That’s unhealthy! So yeah – pay for 2 seats pal. I don’t care if you’re rich and famous. And frankly – first class seats are bigger so maybe you should have ponied up for the United or American first class cabin. But sorry to tell you this – you are fat. And if you squeezed in next to me – I would have been annoyed. Does this make it OK for people to be mean and rude to you – no, of course not. But don’t get offended by the fact that you have to pay for 2.

Someone once said to me that she realized after years of hating how skinny I was that I was thin because I did deny myself stuff. I didn’t get to just eat whatever I wanted. Duh. I’ve been watching what I eat since I was 24. Exercising every single day since I was 20. Actresses and models over the age of 20 that say they eat whatever they want and never exercise and just stay super skinny are most likely lying. Or doing coke, or Adderall, or whatever the new speed is they can get. Are there people who are naturally, ridiculously thin with no effort. Yes. But is that a normal thing? No. Most people need self control and discipline to manage it. But it’s 100% possible. It’s also 100% up to you.

Now, do genes play into it. Sure. Body frames are different. I have teeny, tiny bones courtesy of my Mom. But thanks to my Dad’s side of the family, if I don’t pay attention to what I eat and exercise all the time, I’d probably get hippy. And anyone who knows me, knows I hate hippies :)

Yes, yes, I know women are supposed to be curvy, have hips, blah blah. I do agree. But I know what is supposed to be on me and what’s not. How my hips, butt, legs should look and how they shouldn’t. So I work to make sure they do. But no one should be so big you can’t find clothes that fit, or chairs to hold you. If you can’t ride the rides at Disney World – get a clue.

And there is not one person that can convince me that the actress from the movie Precious is actually 100% happy with how she looks. Maybe she doesn’t cry every day about it or gets depressed – which is great. But she would trade her body in for Halle Berry’s tomorrow and we all know that. Does not excuse Howard Stern being a mean ass clown to her though. But he is Howard, and we now he will be a mean ass clown so whatever. But the fact that we are supposed to applaud her confidence and that she loves her body is wrong in my opinion. She is huge. And that is simply unhealthy.

Does that mean people should be judged by how they look? No. There are plenty of nice, funny, smart, awesome people that are over-weight. But that’s all the more reason they should be healthier – so they stay around longer. Now, I do judge you if you teach unhealthy habits to your kids. I absolutely judge the parent I see out with their fat kid and loading them up with junk.

But this ad for the TV show showed these HUGE people eating heaping plates of fried, fatty food. And little kids. Little (or I should say young) kids – probably 8-12 age range – who probably weighed more than me! GROSS! NOT RIGHT.

If you have time to watch TV, you have time to exercise. Period. If you have children, you should not let them watch TV, mess around on the computer or play video games unless they have already spent time outside running around and playing, riding their bikes, whatever.

And if you care about them, or yourself, at all – stop feeding them/eating frappucinos, junk food, sugar cereal, candy, fried foods, etc. all the time. Ok for a treat or every once in awhile but regularly? No.

And no – you do not get to blame Starbucks, McDonald’s, Kraft and Coke. They sell the stuff. They don’t point a gun to your head and tell you to buy it. It’s your job to have self control for yourself and your children if you have any.

I do not accept:
it’s genetics
I can love myself at 300 lbs
you need to accept me as I am
it’s discrimination against over weight people
there is nothing I can do

BS. It’s called self control people. Get it. Teach it to your kids. You owe that to yourself and to them.

Went on a great snowshoe hike today! Over the past couple years I have definitely moved away from other snow sports and to snow hiking or show shoeing. Plus I get to spend more time with the huskies this way (although they don’t always go with me.)

When I first moved to California I learned how to ski. My old boss got me private lessons at Northstar. Cute instructer = bonus :) After 2 years I moved to snowboarding. All the cute boys were just starting to do it so my girlfriends and I decided to learn :) Back then a lot of girls did not snowboard. So we were pretty cool ;)

I was/am a decent snowboarder. I liked trying to learn/do tricks in the snowboard park. And I did enjoy myself. I never hurt myself skiing, but also never tried anything other than cruising down the standard runs. With snowboarding, I did try more stuff.  Jumping, trees, etc. One time I almost plowed right into a tree. I did actually plow into the tree but not Kennedy or Bono style. I was careening through the trees, lost control but thought with my head and covered my head with my arms and hit the ground with my butt so I could slide into the tree – whew. My friend said she heard the thwack against the tree and was freaked out. Meanwhile, she found me laughing since I was imagining in my head how that looked to anyone watching! Not hurt at all.

But then a few years later I tried a jump in the snowboard park and landed wrong. Slid half way down the run on my face….on the ice. Ow. My husband had taken the jump first so he was down the run going “what are you doing, just get up and come down here.” Ummm…yeah..sure pal. A girl boarded down to me and saw I was hurt and my bleeding and red face. She got the ski patrol and I rode down with them on the lift.  From that point on, I basically thought to myself – is this really worth it? Is the level of fun worth the potential outcome? No..actually…not really.

So since them I go boarding a few times a season. Between the ridiculous cost of the lift tickets (ridiculous since I get bored after an hour or 2) and the fact that I really get bored and don’t want to break anything means I find other things to do in the winter now.

Now…the very first winter I came to Tahoe I decided I wanted a house in the mountains. I love it so much.  And when we were able to, and decided to, buy a house here, I was ecstatic. In the spring/summer/fall, I hike around and love the beauty of the mountains. In the winter, I now hike around too. I love it.

My husband hates that I don’t snowboard much anymore. Moans and groans every season. Says I “tricked” him. Um…yeah…people never change what they like.  Who cares. I am doing what I enjoy. Plus I get so much more husky time :)

I love this pasta sauce – a lot! But I make it like once a year. First, because I try to limit the number of times I eat plates of pasta but also because it is so delicious due to the ridiculous fat content. Not a light, summer-time bikini-season meal for sure. But hey – it’s a cold and snowy February right now!

I found this recipe online and have tweaked it a bit for my own tastes since. But the body of it is as found online and I take no ownership of it other than my own minor tweaks due to personal taste.

When I went to the store yesterday to buy the ingredients I couldn’t find the pancetta. So the meat counter guy helped me and asked me what I was making. I said pasta. He looked at me quizzically. I said you know – spaghetti. He said Ahhh…”fancy” spaghetti. OK, OK. Pasta/Spaghetti, tomato/tomahtoe. I wasn’t calling the whole thing off :) I guessed by looking at him that I probably could have said macaroni and gravy and he probably would have known and maybe even given me some tips!

6 tablespoons butter
6 tablespoos extra-virgin olive oil
Small minced onion (changed from 1.5 cups minced red onion)
1 clove garlic, minced
1 pound ground beef
1 1/3 cups tomato paste
1/3 lb pancetta, minced
1.5 cups whole milk
2 cups red wine
2 2/3 cups tomatoes (I’m cheated and used canned)
4 cups meat stock (I cheated and bought it)
Kosher (coarse) salt
Freshly ground pepper
Shaved Parmesan
Ingredients from original recipe that I left out due to not liking them: 3/4 cups minced celery and 3/4 cup minced carrot

Combine butter and olive oil in a large heavy-bottomed pan over medium heat (keep in mind you will have 2 quarts of liquid going in so I use a 4qt pan.) Add the onion. Season with salt and pepper and cook, stirring frequently until the onion (all veggies if including them) soften and begin to brown – about 15 minutes.

Add the garlic, then add the beef and pancetta. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the meat is thoroughly browned, about 25 minutes.

Stir in tomato paste and cook for 5 minutes. Add the milk and simmer actively until the milk reduces and is absorbed, about 15 minutes or so.

(I lower the temp to low and simmer longer than the original recipe for this part) Add the wine and simmer until the pan is once again almost dry (liquid reduced). This can take some time – 1 hour or even longer.

Post wine, pre-stock/tomatoes simmering

Add the tomatoes and stock, adjust the heat so the sauce gently simmers and cooks for about 3-4 hours.

Pour yourself a glass of the red wine you opened to use in this and sip as you stir and keep an eye on your sauce (yes, this is one of my personal tweaks ;) )

You can use any type of pasta noodles you want. Traditional spaghetti (but not angel hair), fettuccine or penne noodles work best with the sauce consistently (in my opinion.) Pour sauce over your noodles (after you’ve cooked them of course…) and top with Parmesan. Mixing the Parmesan in right away gets it all melty and gooey :)

All of the simmering times are going to vary a bit depending on your stove (gas or electric) and pan. So use your judgment and not just a timer. Simmering longer is always a better option with pasta sauce – always tastes better!

The recipe is officially a Bolognese sauce recipe. By keeping the carrots and celery out and using red wine I tweaked it from that a bit but I think can still fall in the category – especially for this non-Italian whiter than white girl! :) I will also try adding some porcini mushrooms next time!

As I was cooking this today, I was thinking I wanted to see The Godfather, or even The Sopranos. Badda-bing badda-boom – I turn on the TV and on AMC they are playing a Godfather marathon: kismet :) One of my all-time favorite movies – amazing film full of great story and even greater acting.

It’s not a hard meal to make – just time consuming. Good for a cold Sunday afternoon! And it is DEE-licious! As a side note – do not wear anything white while preparing this :)


Pasta hittin' the table...

As husband was taking his plate to the table, he slipped on the wood floors in his socks and all of his pasta almost slid off his plate as he went down. Storm’s eyes were like saucers imagining his upcoming feast! But alas…husband recovered with only a slight Parmesan dusting of the floor which Storm cleaned up better than I could. Even though I spent all day preparing this dinner…that would have been dang funny and Storm would have had a full belly :)



That sounds like a much more interesting celebration for February!! (excepting any of the animal sacrifice stuff  of course – yuck!)

Did anyone really celebrate wolves back then though since they are always made out (unfairly) to be the villain is so many old tales? But maybe those were all post Roman tales and these people were more enlightened.

I would much prefer a holiday where we celebrated and gave wolf-adorned cards, etc than a fat little naked cherub. But that’s me :)

So then they went on to split off from Vulcan and be bad guys, right? :)

The story of the (kinda sorta likely) origins of the original “valentines cards” (love notes) is cool.

We seem to have the Cadbury Brothers to blame for the onslaught of hearty-shaped candy (genius business move  though so I can’t really blame them.)

Chocolate entered the Valentine’s Day ritual relatively late. The Conquistadors brought chocolate to Spain in 1528 and while they knew how to make cocoa from the beans, it wasn’t until 1847 that Fry & Sons discovered a way to make chocolate edible. Twenty years later, the Cadbury Brothers discovered how to make chocolate even smoother and sweeter. By 1868, the Cadburys were turning out the first boxed chocolate. They were elaborate boxes made of velvet and mirrors and retained their value as trinket-boxes after the chocolate was gone. Richard Cadbury created the first heart-shaped Valentine’s Day box of candy sometime around 1870.

But to be honest, I like Valentine’s Day. Mostly because I love all holidays and any reason to do something different.  I loved giving out and receiving little cards in school. I saw some cool Star Wars ones at the store last week and *almost* bought them. I did buy the Chewie GRRRAAAW Valentine’s card and sent it to my brother who will get a kick out of it.

Do I think it should be as big of deal as it is. Probably not. Especially when I see all the stupid, cheesy crap they pump out for people who have no imagination or forethought. I think proposing or getting married on Valentine’s Day sounds like a very bad, bad idea. When I was single, my friends and I would just plan something fun. Celebrating the “Day of Love doesn’t have to mean only romantic love.  Just a reminder to be extra nice, eat some chocolate, buy some pretty flowers (even if for yourself – they are pretty and smell nice!) and drink a glass a bubbly (which I am always a fan of!)

A good friend’s birthday is on February 14th. She hated it when she was younger but no longer minds it. Would be much worse to have a birthday on Christmas I think! Unless you’re a baby Jesus I suppose… ;)

But my Valentine’s Day celebration is to donate money to some wolves today…they need the help a lot more than I need the cash. No matter how much or how little, it’s MY monthly ritual. “Civilized” Man has done their best to try and wipe out this awesome animal instead of celebrate it as another creature who deserves to live on this planet just as much (and in many cases much more) than humans…



So a Happy Valentine’s, Lupercalia, Sunday or 3rd day of Olympics to you! :)

Dear visiting tourist jerkfaces driving down my 25mph zone residential, hilly, icy street going around 50mph and almost taking a girl and her huskies out – next time I see you, I am throwing a giant bag of steaming dog poo at your window.

Oh…and that white sport BMW you are driving up here in the snowy mountains, you look *awesome* in it. Really. Not one bit like a San Francisco-living douchebag tool…not one bit…

Funny. People have asked me in my life how I’ve done something, put up with something, dealt with something, whatever…

My answer is typically the same: whatever, deal with it, suck it up, rub some dirt on it, etc, etc.

Separately, completely…there is always this:

Cancer and Independence:
Cancer is the astrology sign that is packed full of contradictions so when it comes to independence, they possibly can or can not be independent. On one side, they have the perseverance and drive to do what needs to be done, they are self-sufficient and do not need to depend on other people for the material and physical things in life. On the other hand, they depend on people for emotional support and encouragement. A Cancer that is not fully self-actualized will need the constant support of others and will not be very independent but the Cancer that is ‘evolved’ and has properly harnessed their emotional issues will be wildly successful as an independent human being. They crave attention and comfort from other people and they are happiest when they have a small, close knit group of friends or family.

Cancer and Friendship:
Cancer is extremely loyal to those who appreciate and support them, they are the nurturer of the zodiac and will protect and cherish the person for a long time. One of the greatest things about Cancer is their ability to make others feel good about themselves and loved. This is because instead of doing this for themselves, they project this onto other people. This is a positive cycle because in making others feel nurtured, wanted and loved, they in return feel good for making someone feel good. Other people can lean on and depend on cancer, they will listen to people’s problems and help them however they will rarely express their own deep feelings to anyone. People who want to share deep emotional thoughts and opinions with a Cancer might feel that the scales are tipped on one side for cancer will rarely reveal it’s true deep feelings. A friend of Cancer is usually a lifelong devoted friend that can be trusted.

Cancer and Business:
Once cancer resolved their emotional issues such as shyness and insecurity, the powerful character will shine though, there is practically nothing they can’t do. They have incredible perseverance and will stand up for what they believe in. With their strong intuition, sensitivity, powers of observation and intelligence, they will have great success in anything they undertake. They are excellent business people and investors because of their intuitive and psychic ability and their creative forward thinking mind, they are able to predict future trends. They attract wealth very well and know where to invest. Money and financial well being is very important to Cancer and this can help their drive in business. They need financial security and if they allow themselves to properly focus their energy and do not allow their emotions to over take them, they are more then capable of obtaining their financial goals and being incredibly successful business people.

Cancer Temperament:
They are complex, fragile, unpredictable and temperamental and need constant support and encouragement, more then any other astrology signs, Cancer needs to be needed. Even when all needs are satisfied, they can be irritable and cranky. They have an uneasy, delicate temperament. The contradictory nature of Cancer gives their temperament the wild mood swings and possible temper tantrums. They are easily offended and will sulk and wallow in self pity for a long time when they get hurt.

Cancer Deep Inside:
It is difficult for cancer to open up and have a close emotionally fulfilled relationship with someone because they are so closed off emotionally and physically to the world. This is driven by their fear of trust, Cancer has a difficult time trusting people. In addition to lack of trust for people, Cancer is deeply sensitive and easily hurt, this is other reason why they have their defense shell in place, to avoid being hurt by others. Cancer has a lot of emotional issues to deal with but once they overcome this large hump of shyness and insecurity, there is practically nothing they can’t do. With their strong intuition, sensitivity, powers of observation and intelligence, they will have great success in anything they undertake. Cancer is constantly feeling, feelings and emotions are hallmarks of this sign and this is the root of their problems, human beings are not as evolved in the emotional area and this is where cancer gets the brunt of their problems. They are the ones who have to cope with their strong feelings more so then any other sign. Once properly harnessed, there is nothing that is this powerful astrology sign can not accomplish. Harmony is very important to Cancer, it keeps them happy. Conflict of any kind causes great distress. Deep inside, Cancer is a very powerful sign, they have the ability to stand up for what they think is right and they have lots of perseverance and can be fine on their own provided they don’t let their emotions get the better of them and have the stability they need. They are not fond of change but they have the ability to do what needs to be done, they are not pushovers or lazy people.

Cancer in a Nutshell:
Cancer is a mysterious sign, filled with contradictions. They want security and comfort yet seek new adventure. They are very helpful to others yet sometimes can be cranky and indifferent. Cancer has a driving, forceful personality that can be easily hidden beneath a calm, and cool exterior. The crab is Cancer’s ruling animal and it suits them well, they can come out of their shell and fight but they can also hide in their shell of skitter away back into the depths of the ocean. They are very unpredictable. With cancer, there is always something more that meets the eye, for they are always partially hidden behind the shell. They are a have a deep psyche and intuitive mind that is hidden from the world. Cancer is deeply sensitive and easily hurt, this might be why they have their defense shell in place, to avoids being hurt by others. They are nurturers so they surround themselves with people, whom after a while can offend or hurt a cancer without even knowing they did so, therefore Cancer’s protective shell keeps them safe from hurt. They are complex, fragile, unpredictable and temperamental and need constant support and encouragement, more then any other astrology signs, Cancer needs to be needed. When cancer gets the support it needs, it has a tremendous amount to offer in return. When cancer gets offended, they tend to sulk instead of confronting the persons face to face. This needlessly prolongs the pain and suffering. Cancer is very possessive, not just with material possessions but with people as well. Cancer will always want to stay in touch with old friends and anyone who has ever been close to them, because it is easier to maintain a friendship then attempt to learn to trust a new person. It is easier this way for them emotionally. If you befriend a Cancer, you will stay friends for a long time. Cancer makes the perfect mother, this is the sign that represents motherhood. They have unconditional love and caring more so then any other astrology sign. Cancer are very intuitive. Most of the psychics of the world are Cancer astrology signs. They have an excellent memory and are very observant and can read people very well. They can usually tell of other people’s intentions are good or not. Never dupe a Cancer, they can see your motives. Cancer has a lot of emotional issues to deal with but once they overcome this large hump of shyness and insecurity, there is practically nothing they can’t do. With their strong intuition, sensitivity, powers of observation and intelligence, they will have great success in anything they undertake.

Now, do I believe in astrology? Nope, not really, I do not. Can I deny this describes me pretty darn well? No, I cannot. Generalities tend to work pretty well – religion figured this out pretty early on. Sucks people in for sure.

But do I know for sure it’s crap? No. Like all belief systems, I have no idea for sure. No one does. That’s why hokey religion and ancient weapons are genius. They are needed. But no match for a good blaster at your side…