That sounds like a much more interesting celebration for February!! (excepting any of the animal sacrifice stuff of course – yuck!)
Did anyone really celebrate wolves back then though since they are always made out (unfairly) to be the villain is so many old tales? But maybe those were all post Roman tales and these people were more enlightened.
I would much prefer a holiday where we celebrated and gave wolf-adorned cards, etc than a fat little naked cherub. But that’s me :)

So then they went on to split off from Vulcan and be bad guys, right? :)
The story of the (kinda sorta likely) origins of the original “valentines cards” (love notes) is cool.
We seem to have the Cadbury Brothers to blame for the onslaught of hearty-shaped candy (genius business move though so I can’t really blame them.)
Chocolate entered the Valentine’s Day ritual relatively late. The Conquistadors brought chocolate to Spain in 1528 and while they knew how to make cocoa from the beans, it wasn’t until 1847 that Fry & Sons discovered a way to make chocolate edible. Twenty years later, the Cadbury Brothers discovered how to make chocolate even smoother and sweeter. By 1868, the Cadburys were turning out the first boxed chocolate. They were elaborate boxes made of velvet and mirrors and retained their value as trinket-boxes after the chocolate was gone. Richard Cadbury created the first heart-shaped Valentine’s Day box of candy sometime around 1870.
But to be honest, I like Valentine’s Day. Mostly because I love all holidays and any reason to do something different. I loved giving out and receiving little cards in school. I saw some cool Star Wars ones at the store last week and *almost* bought them. I did buy the Chewie GRRRAAAW Valentine’s card and sent it to my brother who will get a kick out of it.
Do I think it should be as big of deal as it is. Probably not. Especially when I see all the stupid, cheesy crap they pump out for people who have no imagination or forethought. I think proposing or getting married on Valentine’s Day sounds like a very bad, bad idea. When I was single, my friends and I would just plan something fun. Celebrating the “Day of Love doesn’t have to mean only romantic love. Just a reminder to be extra nice, eat some chocolate, buy some pretty flowers (even if for yourself – they are pretty and smell nice!) and drink a glass a bubbly (which I am always a fan of!)
A good friend’s birthday is on February 14th. She hated it when she was younger but no longer minds it. Would be much worse to have a birthday on Christmas I think! Unless you’re a baby Jesus I suppose… ;)
But my Valentine’s Day celebration is to donate money to some wolves today…they need the help a lot more than I need the cash. No matter how much or how little, it’s MY monthly ritual. “Civilized” Man has done their best to try and wipe out this awesome animal instead of celebrate it as another creature who deserves to live on this planet just as much (and in many cases much more) than humans…
So a Happy Valentine’s, Lupercalia, Sunday or 3rd day of Olympics to you! :)