a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

Bought some fresh white peaches today. I love peaches and white peaches are even better than yellow ones when this perfectly ripe. And this is not only because I love Bellinis :)

I love peach flavored stuff too. The peach flavor gummi bears, gummi rings or jelly beans are YUM! Peach Snapple Iced tea! YUM! And they all remind me of the peach-flavored Jell-O that I used to love as a kid. That smell/taste always reminds me of being a kid in the warm summer. I remember after school, I’d go to my parents’ office and sometimes wander around the neighborhood, the local shopping centers, go play Pac-Man at the local sub shop (highest of the high scores thank you very much.) Thinking back, my parents truly trusted me to never get in trouble and wander off by myself for hours every day. I never did get in trouble so there you go.

I remember I’d go to after school programs for the Student Council (Secretary), sports (gymnastics and track) and baton (yes, I twirled a mean baton) and then on the way back from school to their office, I would walk through quiet neighborhoods. One of my friends would stop at this old guy’s house and he would give treats to the neighborhood kids. Like peach-flavored Jell-O. We would hang out there for like 30 minutes or something and then be on our way. It was boys and girls, mostly around my age-ish (10-12).

Thinking back about it I never felt unsafe or creeped out. He was a nice old guy. We always hung outside on his porch and he was nice. Maybe he had grand kids our age? Or lost someone special our age? Or maybe just a little lonely and a lot nice? Who knows. I don’t actually remember if I ever mentioned to my parents that I did this. But it seems odd that I did and they never checked it out? Especially my Dad. So I must not have. Since I never felt weird, I probably didn’t as it was just part of my day.

The sad thing is if my little brother had told me this when he was little, or if I had a kid and they did this, I would FREAK out. You can’t trust people! Who is this creep! He must be a weirdo pedophile!!! Sad that these are the first things that would enter my mind. But I know they are. Unless I personally knew the guy very well, these are absolutely the thoughts I would have. And I would never let a kid do this. And I find this sad. And depressing. Because there was not a single thing wrong with it. But I wouldn’t be stupid or naive enough to not think it these days.

Maybe when I grew up, my heart did die…meh…who cares?