So I *just* had a conversation with a friend over Thanksgiving about how I did not need any new purses except a small black bag. I live in the mountains. And already have a lot of bags. BUT…I realized that I didn’t have a small, simple black bag for daily use. I have evening bags or bags with black but not just black. But until I found just the right one, I didn’t really need it. Brown is more my base color anyway. So I was not looking.
I was in the bay area this past week and was doing some Christmas shopping. I meandered through Neiman Marcus and saw a gorgeous chocolate brown Balenciaga mini City bag. I didn’t even know they made those! So, so, so cute. But I JUST said I didn’t need anymore bags….except a small black one….like the one in the next case. Doh.
They had 3 small black ones actually. 2 exactly same style but 1 with gold hardware and 1 with pewter. And then another very similar but more tassley things that Balenciaga likes to use. Oh boy. After much thinking (hours actually), I went back with a friend and between her and the 2 saleswomen, and much walking by the mirrors with both (girls are funny), it was decided that the black and gold was THE one. Which is very odd for me as I am more of a simple (so pewter hardware or platinum if jewelry) girl. Not as flashy. But for some reason – I loved this little bag with the gold pieces. And apparently it went with my hair (not blonde so ok…but saleswoman said!)
So I did it! And I used to today for the first time and LOVED it!!! No buyer’s remorse = Excellent Purchase!!
Merry Christmas to me :) falalalalalalalalalaaaaaaaa
I ordered these last week during a Neiman Marcus sale and they were just delivered. And then the CEO for Manolo Blahnik was on CNBC with this pump (but in the awesome suede pink color!) as soon as I walked in from my hike. He was saying that this shoe (Bb pump) is THE classic shoe to own. I agree. He also mentioned that sales are showing how women are tiring of the stacked pump (so, so, so true…waaaaaaay to rap video now.)
So…fate, right? :) I say keepers! They were on sale!!
I was down in the Bay Area today and HAD to go to the Stanford Shopping Center to return some shoes.
I wanted to swing by the Louis Vuitton boutique to look at a bag I saw in Vanity Fair. It was super cute but I was pretty sure wouldn’t be right for me, especially at the price. But no harm in looking….right?
As I assumed, the bag was too big for me (whew.) Especially for a fun spring/summer bag. Now that I don’t tote around a bunch of junk to and from an office, I have gone back to my little bag preference. Way more me.
As I was saying “sorry no” to the salesgirl, I saw a cute yellow bag up on the highest display shelf above all the standard LV monogram stuff. She followed my eyes and said “oh yes, you will like that.” :)
She pulled it down and bingo. That was it. I carried both around the store and both my salesgirl and another salesman agreed the smaller bag worked for me better. Since the other bag cost more than twice as much, I was glad to see they weren’t trying to push it! Plus my salesgirl was super friendly and we chatted about Tahoe.
I’ve never been a big fan of LV because I don’t like to be a walking billboard for your brand. A small logo, sure. Who doesn’t like to see those small, cute interlocking CCs :) But when the designers plaster their logos all over your bag or shoes (or arse…talking directly to you Juicy Couture), I say no thanks. Not for me. Although I do really like the Murakami line they did. Very pretty.
But this bag has only 1 little embossed LV in the corner. Perfect! Plus it’s yellow! Well…technically Citron. She is my first Louis. The Alma BB Epi. And unfortunately for me they make her in a quite a lot of cute colors. Uh-oh…
Since my birthday is a month-ish away, I decided that this would be my annual gift to myself! I blame re-watching Sex and the City last weekend. That and The Devil Wears Prada always and without fail make me want to shop. I also blame my friends who were not there to talk me out of it ;)
Cannot wait to take her out and celebrate :)
(just like this….)
I have been wanting this bag for about 10 years. No joke. But it was either impossible to find (their pink spring bags sell out sooo fast) or, the one time I did find it, I talked myself out of buying it since it’s a ridiculous price for a purse. Let’s be honest. Completely ridiculous (but look at it! So pretty!)
I was even JUST looking at Marc Jacobs quilted bags which are totally cute, but let’s be honest, are complete Chanel wannabes. Then I received an email from Portero (which I get a lot of but don’t usually even look) advertising new Chanel finds. OK, I’ll bite. So I clicked on it. And there it was. It’s pre-owned but in pristine condition. And half the retail price. Also no tax or shipping. Win! So I did it. Anyone who knows me well, knows that a cute, little Chanel bag in THE perfect pink pretty much embodies me :)
Feeling absolutely no buyer’s remorse at all :)
I got it! I received some Nordstrom gift cards for Christmas from elves who knew I wanted this sweater :)
I tried it on a few weeks ago at the Juicy store and it’s SO cute!!! Plus PERFECT colors for me! Will look even more marvelous on me with my new dark brown hair ;) hehehe
I was a bit concerned about the fur. It’s fake of course (so it says in big bold lettering inside) but I would hate for anyone to see it and think it’s real. Anyone that knows me AT ALL would never think that but people walking around might. I know I internally judge people that I see wearing things that look like real fur. I don’t go all PETA on them or anything but I fantasize about it as I walk by and give them the evil eye. Well, if anyone says anything, I can show them the tag!! Of course, I also wonder if it’s a case of the “fake fur” made in China that’s actually real fur because the Chinese are schmucks. But I will assume that Juicy Couture is smart enough to not want that kind of PR. (I stress a lot huh?)
I do have to add that I think it’s LAME that Nordstrom only allows you to use 1 gift card for an online order. So I had to call to place the order. The girl was pleasant and fast but still – annoying. They finally started offering free shipping and returns so hopefully they fix that too!
It’s scheduled to arrive on or around January 9th! YAY!!!!
I want these sooooooo bad. But they don’t have my size :( I asked the girl at the J Crew store at Stanford yesterday and I think she kinda snickered in my face. Apparently they were quite popular. You’d think for all the money I spend there, they could click their heels and a pair would appear for me! Damn…
IMO, every girl needs a pair of cool red shoes and a red coat. I have my coat – and these would have been perfect! Plus J Crew is having 30% off orders $150+ sale right now! Oh well. I did accidentally buy a a new black coat there yesterday. I have NO black winter coats. Wha?? I have a closet full of coats with no black one?? I do have a charcoal grey long cashmere coat that I love but that doesn’t always fill the need for a black coat. I have purchased several from J Crew over the past few years but always sent them back as they weren’t right. But yesterday in the store – there it was! And these red shoes would look SO cute with a cute black coat! Oh…and of course a cute outfit underneath the coat :) I bought a sparkly black tank too. Now I need a place to wear them! Hiking with the huskies probably doesn’t require a black sparkly tank top :)
They have these red flats in my size. I am debating on these…cute. But not as cute as the pumps.
But if anyone sees a pair of these Mona pumps in red sparkly in 7.5 at your local J Crew – get them and I will totally buy them from you!!! :)
So I can’t wear high heels for probably another 4-6 weeks. Ugh. My sports doc said “I’ll give you the same test that I give my basketball players when they ask me when they can play again.” (he is the team doc for the Golden State Warriors.) He said “When you can hop 50 times on the formerly broken ankle/foot with no pain and then go up and down on your tip toes with no pain, you are ready.” Hmm. He said “let’s try it now.” Ok…OW!!! “”He said I guess not today.” Thanks Dr. Obvious. He also said high heels are bad for me so what does he know anyway…
SO…since it is my birthday on Saturday AND since I WILL wear high heels again…soon! I bought a cute pair :) And look – they are platform-ey espadrilles so they have to be better for me than regular high heels so a good gateway heel back to my normal ones :) Plus very summery! I was actually inspired to buy a cute new summery espadrille by a pair Jennifer Aniston wore in “Just Go With It”.
Since they were not on sale and a bit costly for sandals in my opinion (although 7.5% back for going through ebates), I was almost hoping I wouldn’t like them IRL as much as in the picture. No such luck. Thanks to the wonderfulness of Endless.com, I ordered them yesterday afternoon and they arrived this AM. I just tried on the right foot one (non-broken side) and OMG they are so cute!!! Just imagine with tan, cutely-pedicured feet! Sigh….keepers.
So now I just have to work on my jumping and tippy-toe exercises :)
Happy Birthday to me! :)
OMG Update! Jen A actually has these same shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I knew they looked like something she’d wear! Now if I can only get my legs that tan :)
I ordered this dress a few weeks ago and finally tried it on. It looks SOOOO cute on!!! It will be perfect for a wedding I have to go to in 2 weeks. Would be even more perfect with some cool heels but I think I’ll still be in my boot so I will wear 1 cute-ish yet shorter heel….hopefully the cute will counteract the Frankenstein…
I’m glad I ordered it as soon as I saw it – they are already out of my size!
I accidentally ordered a couple other things from there today. 30% off using the code BRKING30 – it’s for being a “King or Queen for a day”. Leave it to American retail to try and cash in on the royal wedding somehow ;)
Ordered another cute dress, a light tweed jacket and a couple tank tops. Great spring casual-ish wear! BR is tuff with their sizing though. Sometimes even their XS are waaay too big. But then sometimes, they cut them weird so it’s tight in some places, roomy in others.. And sometimes their S is just right. I love their continuity….
The email I received this AM was titled “In The Pink”. Pretty sure that email campaign was directed right at ME (=sucker for cute pink stuff!) SO of course I clicked on it. This whole spending a lot of time in front of my computer is bad for my wallet!