a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

This guy is in charge of the union for federal employees. The employees who our taxes pay wages and benefits for. And because they are unionized can likely never be fired for incompetence like private sector, non-union workers. The same employees who feel they are entitled to life-long (likely under-funded) pensions and benefits paid for by…hmmm….who exactly?

And what could they possibly have to go on strike about? Are the coal mines they are working in unsafe? Are they exposed to toxic chemicals or fires or armed suspects as they sit behind their desks from 9-5? Forced child labor maybe? No. Nothing like that. They marched in Washington this week to protest the proposed freeze on federal wage spending. So basically because they probably won’t get an annual pay increase and have to pay a slightly higher portion of their health insurance premium. A pretty idiotic reason to strike when the nation has a 14 TRILLION dollar deficit and almost 10% unemployment. Feel free to quit guys and gals. Pretty sure there are plenty of people who would be happy to take your place.


And I really hope this putz gets the same media tongue-lashing that Britney Spears got when she said “retarded” in some article. Because you know with 100% certainty that if a Republican or a company CEO said this, all of PC-hell would rain down on him and it would be ad nauseum streaming headline news on CNN and MSNBC and make the front page of the New York Times.

Unions = entitled jackasses. Union Bosses – corrupt jackasses.


  1. feloniousrazor
    9:30 am on February 11th, 2011

    Cringeworthy – in my former life when it came time to renew those labour agreements you should have heard the wailing and gnashing of teeth when the company suggested that they contribute 1/2 of 1% towards their health insurance premiums.

    The sense of entitlement is nauseating. Oh, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for the PC patrol on that quote. :)

  2. Yeah, I haven’t read a peep about it other than a bit on Fox. Amazing how stuff like that magically slips by the PC Police. Jerks.

    I get so angry whenever I read about stuff like this. The sense of entitlement by so many different people in so many ways is mind-boggling. And gross. I remember when the grocery chain out here, Safeway, was in labor discussions, they went on strike because Safeway wanted them to pay like 1-2% more in their heath premiums. But ohmygosh – THAT would be a crime. And why exactly are grocery store clerks unionized?!?!?! GRRRR.

  3. feloniousrazor
    1:08 pm on February 11th, 2011

    Danger of papercuts and having to load too many bags…oh and having to do the cleanup in aisle three.