a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

YAY! My Gentle Giant Jawas arrived today! They were released in 9/07 and sold out but Gentle Giant emailed their Collector’s Club with a small offering of them last week and I scooped 1 up (or in other words, they cleaned out/organized their warehouse and found some old stuff…)

Yes, I really do try and limit my collecting to a few characters but the Gentle Giant busts are a bit different. I do collect a lot of those. They are really well done. I like my standards (Han, Chewie, Leia) plus any of the female characters and the odd/fringe characters. And of course, the special editions (like the Christmas ones or Con exclusives.) Plus these little guys have light-up eyes – so really, had to get ’em :)

Gentle Giant Jawas

Gentle Giant Jawas

I still want the Gamorrean Guard but he sold out too fast :( So I will continue to troll eBay…

Gentle Giant Gamorrean Guard

Gentle Giant Gamorrean Guard

Now I need to find room on my shelf this weekend!

Was able to snag the Mynock Chewbacca bust from Gentle Giant! LOVE it! Received it last week and put it up today!

Chewbacca Mynock edition - Gentle Giant

Chewbacca Mynock edition - Gentle Giant

Yes…I do love Chewie. He is the BEST best friend, co-pilot, first officer, first mate. There when you need him. Always. Would give his life for you. If Angelus would have been brown, he would have been named Chewbacca. So yeah, I have a fair amount of Chewie stuff…just a sample…

Chewbacca - Gentle Giant bust

Chewbacca - Gentle Giant bust

Chewbacca - Gentle Giant

Chewbacca - Gentle Giant

That Chewie statue was my very first Gentle Giant collectible. Loved it soooo much when I received it . Still do.

Chewbacca - original Star Wars plush

Chewbacca - original Star Wars plush

My husband bought me this Chewie plush. It’s an original from 1977 – Star Wars era. Tag still attached. I was very happy with this prize :) Little Chewies on his lap are from other lines and not 70s.

Chewbacca - signed pic

Chewbacca - signed pic

My signed Peter Mayhew pic. Got this at Wonder Con in SF. TESB is my favorite movie ever so wanted this pic signed.  He is a very nice guy. VERY tall!! But a very, very nice guy.

Chewbacca - radcliffe pewter

Chewbacca - radcliffe pewter

And Chewie as done by Radcliffe in pewter. I have a fair amount of these pewter figures.  Well, in the characters I really care about. At some point, you can just spend too much on fringe characters or characters you don’t really care about. But Han and Chewbacca…well…my favorites. The scoundrel with a heart and his best friend :)

UPDATE 9/3/09: Waitlist went through today!! He WILL be mine!!! :)

I added myself to the wait list for this last night…fingers crossed! There are making 500 of them. They are scheduled to ship in 4Q09. Here is hoping someone’s credit card gets declined (yeah, I know, that’s mean but all is fair in the hunt for great Star Wars and Indy collectibles!) :)

Sideshow Premium Format Crystal Skull Indy

Sideshow Premium Format Crystal Skull Indy

He’s 19″ tall and should go nicely next to my Sideshow Raiders Indy. This one just looks a little older thanks to Harrison aging a bit. It was 27 years in between movies!! He is still and forever my #1 love man so I do not care how old he is!!!! :)