a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

It’s Oscar night!! Not sure what that has to do with eating (absolutely nothing, zilch, zero, nada) but I decided to make this since the chicken has been in my freezer for a couple weeks :) Call me glamour-puss! I found this recipe in a magazine and then changed it to suit my tastes…

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
About 1 lb of skin-on chicken drumsticks
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
12 cloves garlic (about 1 head)
2 lemons (finely grated zest of one, juice of both)
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 pound frozen corn, thawed
3/4 cup whole milk

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Heat the olive oil in a large nonstick ovenproof skillet over medium-high heat. Sprinkle the chicken with 1/2 teaspoon each salt and pepper, and 2 tablespoons flour. Add to the skillet and cook, turning, until slightly golden on all sides, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic, lemon zest and lemon juice and turn the chicken to coat. Transfer the skillet to the oven; roast until the chicken is golden brown and cooked through, about 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the corn and 1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper; cook, stirring occasionally, until the corn softens, about 5 minutes. Stir in the remaining 1 tablespoon flour, then add the milk and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium low and simmer, stirring, until thickened, about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

I am pairing it with some Moet & Chandon Imperial as Moet seems to be the Hollywood bubbly of choice and this was already chilled in my fridge :)

I love watching the Oscars. Even though I love to make fun of celebrities too. Mostly because I think actors taking themselves SOOOOO seriously is rather amusing…but LOVE the outfits :)

To be clear, I LOVE the movies. I love watching good movies. And I love seeing the gowns and jewelry. But I think the incredible amount of award shows and self love the Hollywood community participates in has surpassed the ridiculous line.

Plus the Oscars aren’t based on a truly BEST movie, actor, etc. If we are picking best actors, Leo DiCaprio would have won by now. Hands down, best actor of this generation. And Brad Pitt and George Clooney wouldn’t be nominated. Are they likable? Sure. Of course. Fun to watch? Sure. But best actor? No, not so much. If either wins tonight, they should go and watch any movie from Leo’s career. And then throw in The King’s Speech from last year to switch it up to non-Leo. And then they should return their Oscar.

A few years back when I read about the value of the gift baskets the presenters receive in order to present (because they were having problems getting people to commit to present) all I could think was “Gross.” Again…don’t get me wrong…I’m all for cool stuff and fun gifts. But come on?? You are being asked to give out awards to your own friends and co-workers (possibly yourself) and you need to be bribed to do so?? And free suites at hotels where you cruise around and get free stuff? But then I have to listen to you preach about income inequality, socialized insurance and the unfairness of Wall Street and bailouts? Ok….*pat on your head*

I look at old clips from Oscars years and years and years ago and they just seemed so much cooler (as do the stars and movies.) But I think the Oscars were the only show in town. And they were proud to be nominated and of course, happy to win. Nowadays, it seems more of a circus. And a me-me-me series of events. I mean really, celebrities are surrounded by people that cater to their every whim. Everyone says yes to you. Everything is done for you. Talk about living in a bubble that is so far from reality it’s comical. But that’s probably why the “average person” is so drawn to it.

Think about it…if bankers, VCs or CEOs had 6 or 8 different conventions or award shows every year, giving themselves kudos and awards, drinking champagne, attending fancy parties publicized everywhere that went on for weeks, wearing expensive gowns and jewelry, well…they’d be hated and called the 1%. Much like they are now. But Hollywood is somehow different? Yeah….

But I will pop my Taittinger tonight and tweet some snark about the Oscars. And also be happy when the actors I like are shown in cool outfits. It’s NOT the SuperBowl, but it’s fun anyway. :)