a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

Farmers vs. Lions: A Battle to the Death in Kenya:


This story is sad. To me, this outlines yet another example that human over-population on this planet will destroy it long before space aliens, asteroids hurtling towards us, bad pop music or even the dreaded global warming.

A country of 40 million, where many are poor and starving, murdering some of the very creatures that make this planet so great is disgusting to me. No – I don’t want to hear what about them? Or they need to farm and eat. Or any other BS crap. Over-population. Period.  Humans are ruining the planet. Not the animals who are just trying to survive. Stop breeding people. Just fracking stop. Frankly, I just don’t care as much about human life since we/they are the ones who create these problems to begin with.  Yes, I know this makes me sound heartless. I’m not. But I think the world needs more lions, tigers and bears and less humans using up all of the planet’s resources.

And this happens in here is the US as well. And here – it’s more of a business situation. Ranchers have long killed wolves, to the point of near extinction, because a cow or a sheep is killed. Perhaps on a rare occasion that rancher’s existence depended on that 1 cow. But not too likely. Which is why Defenders of Wildlife did put in a program where they will compensate a rancher for lost livestock  due to a wolf so that they don’t kill them. By all reports, this program works. Market price for what you lost.

But you still have Idaho and Alaska that re-instituted wolf hunts based on lame-ass reasons. Those 2 states will never get 1 tourist dollar from me while hunting wolves or bears is still allowed. And no – I do not blame Sarah Palin for that. Sorry. That was in place in AK before she was elected AND voted on by the voters of Alaska. She is simply an easy target for the animal welfare groups (who I do generally support but disagree with on these campaigns.) Not to say she doesn’t support the plan as well or that I like her. Just not going to paint her as the first or only villain in this atrocity. That’s just stupid.

The world needs more beauty. Humans can create beauty. But quite a lot of them create nothing but chaos and ugliness.  These lions, and all other living things on this planet, deserve a better keeper of this home than humans can seem to provide…