a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

Just watched this past week’s Law & Order: SVU. All about a lady who blows a gasket during lockdowns. The main takeaway is that she ran a business, took care of her family, her customers, her employees, etc but never took care of herself. And she was sure that this is the way it should be. And that there is no one to take care of her – even for a little bit.

Life. That is my life. Has always been my life.

HIGHlariosly, 2 of Smokey’s neighborhood pals were both diagnosed with kennel cough this past week. So we can’t go see them because LOCKDOWN! Jeebus – even for dogs. The funny thing is, they are hanging out together, playing, families had dinner tonight – while both are “quarantined”. But I can’t take Smokey by – which is one of his favorite things – because of some bs virus. They sent me a pic saying we miss you. Oh. Ok. But I need to worry about him. Take care of him. He’s older – so not dealing with risk.

I’m sure I am not the only one feeling this way…still. Plenty of people out there in that same position/condition of sadness. Although I think more and more “seem” to be going back to normal-ish. But not me. Not because I have rona-fear, just what we are “allowed” to do is nothing I care to do. And the things I want to do – still in lockdown mode. And at this point, not leaving Smokey.

But at some point you are just tired. Not grab a gun like the lady in SVU tired because that seems (while understandable) a bit much. But tired. Every day.

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