a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

DSQUARED2 Women’s Hiking Pump…

DSquared Hiking Pump

Hmmm….I’m thinking maybe not a good idea when heading downhill with huskies or needing to outrun a bear:)

…I may have just hit the BUY button to add this to my charm bracelet….

The blue box

See what happens when I have to wait for my dinner to cook??


Really? And…

Sometimes I look at what’s fashionable and think to myself “what the heck were they thinking?” I mean, I know everyone has different taste but these are fugly (IMO only of course.) And for $955 (first pair), I’d buy some classic Louboutins in a heart beat….

Oh well…to each her own…

Now these…these scream my name. And they are now mine (or at least they will be Friday when they arrive) Fairly certain I have no shoes in this particular shade of pink… :)

But I think I have always been more of a “classics” kind of girl, so the trendy stuff simply doesn’t appeal to me…..or maybe I’m just getting old :)

Christian Louboutin at ShopStyle

Just purchased at NM online. They didn’t have my size in the local stores so I must wait for the UPS man…but that’s OK. I’ve waited almost a year (when I tried them on and loved them instantly) so I can wait a few more days. I decided my birthday was the day and no one was stopping me!

Still a stressful day at work but doing a little dance inside :)

“British insurance company GoCompare.com found that the average woman has about 19 pairs of shoes – three pairs with heels, six pairs of flip-flops, flats, sandals or wedges, three pairs of boots and four pairs of “foxy-style.” They also own two pairs of “sensible” work shoes and two or so “random” purchases.”

19?? 19??? The average is 19 pairs of shoes? And EVERYONE knows flip-flops don’t even count in this number at all (same with any type of exercise shoe) so those better all be wedges and flats.

So that means this “average woman” might only have 13 pairs of real shoes. No way. Not sure where they found these women to interview…the Moon?

I guess I am very much not average…



Today is sucking. Actually…this month is sucking. But that’s no excuse not to look as cute as hell. These arrived for me today:

I am wearing Rock & Republic jeans with brown, pink and white Rs on the pockets with a pink tank and chocolate brown ruffled cardigan from J Crew. All of these colors are displayed on these new shoes. So I did what any girl would do…kicked off the chocolate brown suede Michael Kors 4.5″ heels I was wearing and put these babies right on.

The day can attempt to suck the life out of me but never the cuteness. I’m betting Carrie Bradshaw would approve… :)

I’ve been looking at these for over a month now and yesterday endless had a 30% cash back rate with bing so they became mine! The leather is soooooo soft. Cannot wait for a dress day!


These scream my name....

This shoe is causing a Pavlovian response…


I only really need 1 kidney, right?


You guys aren’t doing your job in stopping me…

I love the textured look of it. We’ll see how they look/fit in real life on Tuesday :)