a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)


While I find this story rather humorous that it’s a “story” (albeit in the NY Post) or headline at all, I agree with Demi (which is also quite odd.)

I really dislike when educated/smart people use the word pimp to describe anything cool or good. Pimps are not cool or good. They are low-life scumbags. Period. Not something that you should be striving for. Or using to describe anything good.

Do rap stars use it a lot in songs? Yes. They also glorify bitches, hos (hoes?), crime, shootings and drug use as an OK thing. Awesome. So no – I don’t see it as OK to use the word in its “new sense”.

Plus it makes you sound ghetto. Why in the world would you want that? Rap stars make money to *get out* of the ghetto.

Stepping down from soapbox now…