Guy at post office just told me that he thought I was a little kid when I walked in. Hmmmmm….
1. Because I look SO young? (I vote for this one!)
2. Because you are like a foot taller than me giant man and this is your way of saying the rest of us are Lilliputians?
3. Because I am wearing a lot of pink today? (was asked earlier if could possibly wear more pink today. My answer was yes. I could. Is that a dare? And For The Record I’m wearing a pink top with pink ballet flats and a plaid headband that has some pink in it and THAT’S THE ONLY PINK sheesh. You’d think I was dressed like I was going to a Mary Kay convention.)
4. Some other unknown reason????
6:40 am on August 3rd, 2011
My guess is that you were being your usual bright, bubbly, cheery self and that took Messr. Goinpostal by surprise b/c I’m sure he is used to dealing with the grumpydoom-n-gloomers all day.
10:56 am on August 6th, 2011
Ha! Yeah, it wasn’t during market hours so I was not as gloomyanddoomy as others might be on average ;)