a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

So my pinched nerve is still around and killing me. I get my (hopefully) final x-ray for my ankle on Wednesday, and while it gets sore after walking or doing my physical therapy, it’s nothing compared to the “I want to saw my shoulder and arm off to stop the pain” from the pinched nerve. 24/7 pain can wear you out. My husband seems to think it’s no big deal. CANNOT wait until he hurts himself and needs sympathy or understanding…

So far, I’ve been to a medical doctor (2), a chiropractor, physical therapist and an acupuncturist. They all agree I have textbook symptoms of a pinched nerve. Yeah, thanks – I got that by reading webmd. But there is no “cure” for that other than your body healing itself. Great. But the chiro and acupuncture did help to a certain degree. Next, I believe I will be trying a Wiccan spell…maybe some voodoo?

My regular doctor sent me to a “Physical Medicine” doctor yesterday who deals with sports and back/shoulder injuries and pain management. He prescribed me a home traction machine (think The Rack for your neck and head) and Prednisone for a week. I like the traction machine at my physical therapist’s so hopefully that gets delivered Monday or Tuesday. It literally stretches your head/neck/spine to relieve the pressure on the nerve. I’m also hoping it will make me a couple millimeters taller :) He also prescribed a drug used for nerve pain. I grilled him on what the drug was, side effects, what else it is prescribed for, etc and he assured me it’s one of the safest drugs out there. Uh-huh (I have a natural distrust of doctors…will never change my mind about that.) I read up on it before I took it because I’ve pretty much decided 90% of drugs pushed nowadays contain some form of psych drug which I want no part of. Get away.

I read the info sheet but then went online. First, most people who put their experiences up online seem to have bad ones. I learned that when researching Storm’s illnesses but man…people…we need positive stuff up online too! Sheesh. Anyway, a lot of psych drugs are pushed for pain nowadays because you are likely to be depressed if the pain is long-lasting. Of course I’m depressed you numnutz – I AM IN PAIN. And can’t do anything fun! But giving me something to F my brain up is NOT the solution. Stopping the pain and curing why I have the pain is. But the drug he gave me is not a psych drug. At least there is no place I could find online that it is prescribed for any type of mental crap and, in fact, people on message boards talk about how they take this for the nerves and something else for their depression. Nice. So I might try it tonight. I really hate taking anything for any reason.

I was watching TV and there was a Cymbalta commercial on. But before you know it’s for Cymbalta they show you people who are experiencing regular daily pain from back injuries, arthritis, etc. so you would assume it is for a pain reliever. Then they say “Cymbalta Can Help” (their wonderful tag line.) F.U. Eli Lilly. F.U. They now basically prescribe anti-depressants for anything: for pain, to quit smoking, weight loss. Frackin’ gross.

Yes, I get how being in pain for a long time can depress you. Of course it can. I haven’t been able to do anything fun for weeks. And just sitting and reading or watching TV hurts. And yeah, I get bummed about it. But I *will* get better. I refuse to stay in a mopey state of mind for very long. And when I get mopey, I know it’s because I’m tired. Tired of hurting and being tired. I don’t sleep much or well. And haven’t since I broke my ankle which then led to the pinched nerve. Plus being in pain simply wears you out. But there is not 1 part of me that would EVER consider taking an anti-depressant to “deal” with that. What is wrong with society that this is the only way you know how to deal with things. By not dealing and just drugging. Bah.

I also read the info sheet that they gave me with my Prednisone. Every side effect in the world is possible – excellent! But I like how weight loss AND weight gain were included. Huh? I’ll take the weight loss please…thanks!

But here is hoping with my ankle x-ray is good and the brace comes off this Wednesday, which will then allow me to walk more normally and not aggravate my pinched nerve so that heals and it all gets better. I need to be in good walking/running shape by Comic Con!!! And I need my husky walks again. THAT is a natural anti-depressant :)

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