Just got off the phone with Storm’s doctor. The 2 tumors were benign. Not cancerous. Breathing now.
The pathologist had left already so she is calling him first thing Monday AM to have him cut into the healthy parts of the liver lobes (and not just the tumors) to see what’s going on inside them. Look for other things – specifically but not limited to – blood clots. If he is throwing clots, this can also cause problems but this can be addressed with blood thinners. That would be great.
We still don’t have an answer as to why the tumors are growing and this is a reason to worry and wonder but more pathology can hopefully help us. But hearing this is not aggressive cancer is the best thing I could have heard tonight. I think Storm knew it was good news because then he got up and went to eat his ground turkey and take his antibiotics. And then we went out to pee, drink some water and lay back down.
I think a glass of bubbly is in order. And a lot of skooshing. A pretty good Friday night after all.
8:40 pm on November 5th, 2010
What a relief! Hopefully they’ll have some specific answers for you over the next week or so about what could have caused those benign growths. Glad that Storm is home and feeling better. :D
Take care.
4:28 pm on November 6th, 2010
Thanks :) Stormy says thanks too and hopefully very soon he will add an ah-rooooo!