a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)


Ummm…Penniless? Did she not work for a living? And make her own money?

And heirs? Surely they are just talking about her one daughter and not that scumbag lawyer Howard Stern (who is the only person from her will alive)?

She (Anna) didn’t deserve any of that money and I’m glad the judge ruled this way. That a lawsuit can stay alive in court for so long on such a baseless claim is ridiculous. The old guy’s will said what he wanted. If he told you something different to get you to marry him (eww) then you should have got it in writing first. I believe she got a house and jewelry out of the deal so she should have been happy with that. Especially if she loved him as she claimed. Although my guess is most of this was Howard Stern’s plotting.

There should be no will challenging allowed unless the person is truly not in their right mind and a change is made then (or under duress obviously.)  Actually, had he changed it to give her a huge chunk of his fortune right before he dies, his son/family would have had more of a right to question it and sue in court.

People don’t “deserve” anything. My money – if I want to leave it to my dogs, I should be allowed. If I want it all in cash and thrown out of an airplane – my right. My money. If you have minor children, then that is your only true responsibility to ensure are taken care of until they grow up. And any outstanding debt you have.  Beyond that – do what you want with it.

Pissed me off that some judge thought he had the right to change Leona Helmsley’s will when she left it to her dog. And have the nerve to dole some of it to the grand kids she specifically disinherited. Who the hell are you to question what I do with my money and my family? And then decide what charities/organizations to give it to. Who are you to make these choices with MY money? Grrrr.

The End.

One Comment

  1. In the case of Anna Nicole – I agree that her lawyer/boyfriend was behind all of this – because she was most likely drugged up throughout their entire relationship anyway – and he was in charge of the drugs. And she did have her own money in any case from her modeling career. What a spectacle. I wouldn’t want anyone tampering with my will or I’d come back to haunt them.