a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

“British insurance company GoCompare.com found that the average woman has about 19 pairs of shoes – three pairs with heels, six pairs of flip-flops, flats, sandals or wedges, three pairs of boots and four pairs of “foxy-style.” They also own two pairs of “sensible” work shoes and two or so “random” purchases.”

19?? 19??? The average is 19 pairs of shoes? And EVERYONE knows flip-flops don’t even count in this number at all (same with any type of exercise shoe) so those better all be wedges and flats.

So that means this “average woman” might only have 13 pairs of real shoes. No way. Not sure where they found these women to interview…the Moon?

I guess I am very much not average…




  1. Squozed
    11:56 am on July 1st, 2010

    average shouldn’t even be near your vocabulary and 25Gs? I bet your slippers are worth more than that. Sheesh.

  2. HA! Only if I had Dorothy’s Ruby slippers…which I really should since that’s my birthstone! ;)

    But while I hate to do math like that (I like to simply appreciate their beauty :) ) in a life time it seems quite easy to spend more than $25k. Unless we are talking a 1930s $25k or something :)