a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

I finally finished reading the third book in the Twilight series “Eclipse”. I loved it!

I really liked the second book “New Moon” but I liked this one even more. I haven’t actually read Twilight yet as I was late to this series and only saw the movie. But that movie hooked me quickly! Once I am done with the 4th book, I will go back and read #1 :)

This one had a lot more of Edward than New Moon (which I am happy about) and the Edward/Bella angst. Bella did annoy me several times with her Jacob situation. But I think the author captured the likely angst and drama in a teenage girl’s heart and head. And she definitely continues to keep Edward the perfect boyfriend. I have always been a sucker for vampires. :)

Loved all the vampire and werewolf stuff. And the back story on the Quilettes.

I’ve read a lot of the Buffy and Angel books and thoroughly enjoyed those. The Twilight books are definitely written more from the love story angle but with plenty of lore and fight scenes mixed in. I’ve recommended this series to any friend who will listen and will continue to do so!