a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

I love hiking. I really, really do.  And when I say that, I don’t mean I’m all “Dude! Let’s totally scale that vertical side of the mountain!!’  No..definitely not that way at all.

I mean I love getting outside and walking, breathing in fresh air, hopefully seeing as many critters as I can and clearing my head. Getting outside does that for me.

I take my 2 huskies out for long walks every morning. I have been doing this for 8 years.  Every day, rain or shine (or snow!), sick or healthy (that means me.)  Every once in a while my husband will take over for me so I can sleep in but I’ve given up on that being routine. Plus the buds simply like me better this way :)

But because they are in contention as the thickest-furred and fluffiest dogs in the world, I don’t take them on sunny or warm day hikes. They don’t really enjoy it (Storm says this is an under-statement) and then I stress about them. So once the Tahoe snow is gone, I go by myself after taking them on their walks.

I love getting out on a trail, far away from any cars, not crowded with people (unless they have dogs I can say hi too!)  or noise other than nature noises.  I am always scouting for critters. In Tahoe I see a lot of squirrels, chipmunks, blue jays, hawks, lizards, snakes, bunnies and deer. I’ve seen 1 bobcat, 5 coyotes and 1 bear (but this was in my driveway on a 5am doggie walk on garbage day!) I WILL see another bear!!! But I think I just need to leave peppermint patties on my driveway for this!

My forest - call me Snow White :)

My forest - call me Snow White :)

At home, it’s mostly squirrels, crows, hawks, bunnies and deer. Although if I walk by the coast I also get seals, otters, all sorts of ocean birds, dolphins and whales.

I love spending 3 hours outside in the sun (clouds are nice too as long as warmish still), walking and just having peace and quiet. It really is good for the mind, body and soul.  Will always put me in a better mood.

And I want to be able to walk as long as I want. I do not want a set return time or someone asking if we are done yet.  I do NOT like to be rushed on my ME time.  I rush enough for work, homes, chores, dogs, husband, etc, etc.

And technology isn’t so bad either since I can sit here on a tree stump and blog on my iPhone about how much I love hiking and the great outdoors :)  But I better go as the thunder is clapping and the dark clouds are moving

Storm is a comin'!

Storm is a comin'!