a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

Since I have been injured the huskies have not gotten their AM walks and their routines have been broken. Routines they have had literally all of their lives. Through rain, sleet, snow (well duh!) The only times they have not gotten their walks is when they were post-surgery. I used to have to hike them up hills for 2 hours to get them settled. But now walks on the beach are their favorite and 1.15 – 1 1/2 hours works.

But husband is lazy. He will cite busy, and it is true he has been on the phone/on the computer/in meetings working a lot but he could have made time to walk the dogs. He could do what I do since I also have a busy schedule – get up early. That’s when the huskies want to go out anyway – before it’s warm out. To start their day off right.

I guess lazy probably isn’t the exact right word. If he was getting up to to wake boarding or surf the perfect wave he probably would get up. But he has never garnered joy from walking the dogs. On the few times he has had to do it for me (I can actually count them on 1 hand…over 10 years) he complains and treats it as a chore. Weird. But this is why I stopped asking him to come with me. I really enjoy my walks with the dogs and don’t want your complaining on my walk. Now, are there days I am super tired? Or when I am sick? Or it’s pouring rain that I would rather it be a short walk? Of course. But once I am out there and going places with them – I love it. I’m happy. It clears my head. And when your head is as busy as mine- that’s a good thing!

So last night after 4 days of no walks, Angelus was whining. So husband finally said “OK, I think I need to walk these guys tomorrow AM before you leave for work.” YAY! I say. You have to understand, Angelus *always* wants to be outside. Unless it’s actually bedtime, he wants to go and sniff stuff. But now that Stormy is feeling all better and energized again, he wants to go too! Every morning he has been at the staircase after breakfast waiting for me to take him. And I say “I’m sorry bud.” :( So hopefully this morning they get to go. I’m going to go wake him up right now and remind him. Let’s see how that goes…

This is actually the worst part of my injury. Not getting outside and exercising with the huskies. I will probably go a bit stir crazy. I’ve noticed how I can be in a crankier mood without a good AM walk. It’s my routine too! But this morning, I was seeing what huskies are like with no exercise….pacing, ah-roooing, ruffing at me, running back and forth from window to window. I have been keeping the door open to they can just go in/out to the yard but the yard is quite boring after 4 days. Unless a skunk or raccoon comes along that is :)

So I think when people talk about their high-strung crazy huskies (or any dogs really) I definitely think they must not get enough exercise and have a daily routine. Because I’m starting to see it now and it’s bizarre. I want my guys back on their routine. And happy. Definitely need a man servant…

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