a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

…the one who has to have their s** together, to have a smile on, to be tough.  I’m a generally positive person. Glass half-full, make the best of things, etc. but today I’m tired….

I’ve lost my Mom, basically lost my Dad, constantly and always worry about my little brother (for good reason.) I stress about work and about making sure everyone there is OK. I stress about other losses endured. I stress about my husband, and making sure his stress is only work-related and I keep any home stuff off his plate as much as I can. And all sorts of other stuff that runs though my head all the time.

And then I always stress about my dogs. They are my kids. But I really can’t always be the one who has to be tough about that too. Not today.  Storm probably has Cushing’s Disease. He’s 7. I know he won’t last as long as me (assuming no bus incidents for me!) but I really need my buds to be happy & healthy for as long as they can be. They make my life happy. Every day. Their little faces make me smile every single day.

I’m clearly tired. I’ve had a weird bout of insomnia for the last couple of days which has resulted in 6 hours of bad sleep over the last 48. Hopefully I sleep tonight. But I will blame any bout of emotional babyness on being this tired. I don’t allow myself to ever break down so hopefully some sleep will do me good….

Tomorrow I shall find some good shopping deals or celebrity gossip to post…

One Comment

  1. Stormy will be fine & of course he’ll live a great life, he only has the best dogmom in the whole world (duh).