a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

So I’ve been caught up in a lot of Middle Age history between my reading of the War of the Roses, about Henry VIII and watching the final season of The Tudors. All of the them = awesome. I literally do not want to go to bed and stop watching or reading.

I noted (again) tonight that the if it weren’t for the damn cardinals and bishops getting so completely power hungry, things could have gone smoother…which put this tune in my head…and I just can’t get it out :)

Officially added to my cart…love this movie :)

Also to note: you need a dang Power Point diagram with an Excel table by century/country/House embedded to keep all of the Henrys, Catherines, Edwards, Charles, Elizabeths, Tudors, Marys, Howards, Suffolks, Norfolks and Seymours straight!

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