a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

Saw “The Ugly Truth” tonight. Movie was ok…if you wait for DVD or cable, you are probably happier watching it from the comfort of your sofa in your jammies. But I’m not unhappy I saw it opening night in the theater either. I’m easy – as long as the movie keeps me entertained and I am not annoyed by the people around me or thinking my butt is, or knees are, sore from sitting there for so long – I’m good (plus some funny previews for other movies!!)

I am NOT an artsy-fartsy movie person. Ugh…HATE. Movies are made to entertain me – I do not give a crap about noticing art direction gone wrong or the material on that dress was NOT from that period. Ugh..please. Is the story or are the actors keeping me entertained? Is my attention off work for these 2 hours? Yes? Great!! All I ask for.

I am not a Katherine Heigl fan. I didn’t mind her on Grey’s Anatomy during the first few seasons but when she and George got together…barf. Thought she was kinda funny in Knocked Up.  But is she supposed to “replace” Meg Ryan as America’s RomCom sweetheart? Or challenge Jennifer Aniston for these same roles? Notsomuch…

Gerard Butler however…love him. Loved 300. Loved RockNRolla. Saw P.S. I Love You because he was in it (Hillary Swank is another actress I am just not a fan of.) He is worth sitting through annoying actresses for…



Although he did keep his shirt on through this entire movie. Quite unfair :)

The funny thing about this movie is that the wickedly obvious stereotypes we get thrown at us are actually pretty spot on.  Generalized? Sure. A bit over the top? Absolutely. But yet, I cannot argue with them. My husband has said almost verbatim what he (Butler’s character) says about men in this movie. What men like, look for and seek out in women.

Do I think ALL men are like that? Well…sort of. I think the men that are not all outwardly like this, are only different due to conditioning. They had to conform differently due to some life experiences (good or bad) which altered them. BUT – do they still respond to boobs? Of course they do. Do they still look at hot slutty chicks and drool (even if only internally) – yes. Do they realize that is not what will make them happy so they do not pursue it? Maybe a few have realized this.

I have been told by more than 1 guy (husband included) that men do not equate sex and love. It’s shown to us in vivid color in movies, on TV and in the news. Men have wives they love and do not want to leave. Men marry women they know will love them forever and be awesome mothers to their children. However, some different type of chicklet comes along and they start thinking with their little head.

NOW – the “smart” man does not ever consider leaving his wife/partner for this chickie. He only wants 1 thing. And never confuses the two. Then you have the ding-dong who does and wrecks it for other guys! (Yes, I have heard this argument verbalized.)

Tony Soprano was a perfect example. He, at no time, wanted to leave Carmela. Sure he had a mistress. And cheated on his mistress with a bimbo. But that had nothing to do with the love for his wife.  Politicians live this theory.


Women do not think this way. Again, I generalize. I am 100% sure there are dirty whores out there who want to keep their husbands/partners who love them, support them and will be there for them through thick and thin but also want their pool boys. But I really think this is a HUGE minority. Most women simply do not think this way. Sex *does* equate to love. Or maybe the girls I know are just a much higher quality.  Because none of my girlfriends have ever thought this way. And personally, I am offended by these women. They are simply out there giving females a bad name.

Anyway, this movie tries to break down “the ugly truth” about men, what they want and look for in women. And how women can get and keep the men they want using these simple steps – blow jobs, boobs on display, tight outfits, and laughing at his jokes (even if not funny.) Oh yeah, and faking orgasms if necessary. I’d be insulted but I know that it’s pretty much spot on. What guy doesn’t actually really like these things? (ok, well they do NOT want to know you are faking laughing at the jokes or anything else!)

The other funny, yet true, thing about this movie was the notion that girls use lists to judge men. Men on paper. List guy.  A woman will give up on lust, or some certain quality in one guy if another guy has 9 out of 10 qualities from her list. Again, while generalized, I think this is also true. Women like security whether it is physical, financial, whatever. Especially if you are thinking about raising children. It’s pack order. You seek out the best mate. Best meaning a whole list of things, not just 1 quality.  But does that always mean you picked the best person for you to make you the happiest in life? Maybe not. But you have to fight against that ingrained behavior for pack/family survival.

In this movie, it works out as you assume it will after the credits rolled in the beginning.  Do I think it would work out that way in real life? Probably not. But I have a soft romantic side which fights against my cynical side all the time so who knows :)

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