a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

I picked up Storm this afternoon. His oncologist said he was a great patient and did very well. The receptionist joked with me that he was quite the dramatic boy and did a lot of awesome howling…I believe her version :)

The incision is HUGE! Wowza. In my head I was imagining 3-4 inches. I was clearly delusional. They basically opened most of him up. Yikes! But she said you need a lot of visual when in there to watch for bleeding, etc. Which I guess is true when I think about all those episodes of ER and Grey’s Anatomy I’ve seen :)

He has staples (not stitches) and is not allowed to lick them or mess with them. So when I can keep my eye on him, he can hang out. When not (sleepy time), it’s the dreaded cone of shame and his crate (which I need to go pull out and set up soon!) He hates the cone, although not as much as Angelus, who has figured out how to untie it and get it off.

He has to keep his staples in for 17-20 days. And no walks besides short, leashed potty breaks. No jumping or playing at all. That’s a lot of stored energy for a husky…but he can do it :)

His biopsies should be back by Friday. That’s what I’m stressed about. But I am very happy to have my little guy back at home safe and sound and will concentrate on that. He instantly fell asleep in the car and then again at home. So that is good. All that stress is bad for his Cushings! The doctor said he might not feel like eating for a day or 2 and not to worry. Umm…if Storm didn’t want to eat, I’d rush him to the emergency room! But no worries – he ate his dinner right up and then looked at me like “More please? Hello…I need energy to heal lady!”

Angelus ran up to see him as soon as we got home, sniffed him and said (with his eyes) “you stink like the hospital” and walked away. I’m pretty sure he even wrinkled his nose at him! Now that he knows his little brother is back home and safe, he can go back to ignoring him :)


  1. Yay Storm! Glad to hear he’s doing well. They must have been able to remove the entire mass which is a good sign – and as you said the incision was big – so that means they were able to really see inside – so clearly the tumor was localised. Which is great news!

    And it’s also great that Storm has his appetite.

  2. Maybe when it heals he can show the bitches, er, female dogs in the ‘hood his battle scar. :) Sounds like it all went really well.