5 years ago last night I found Smokey in the forest after he had been missing for 2+ days. I cannot describe the feeling of relief, joy, heart explosion when I found him. The day after (so today), I spent the day with him on my lap for the most part. He was *not* a lap dog except when he really needed his Momma.
Every year since then I’ve remembered the dates, seen the FB memory pics, etc. and been happy and relieved to have him safe and sound.
Obviously this year is different. And frankly I have tried to ignore FB updates and reminders and notifications. I like the Memories feature actually for reminding me daily of Angelus and Storm. But the loss of Smokey is still too raw, so it sucks right now too.
Indy is a complete love. A sweet, sweet boy who deserves nothing but happiness and joy. And I hope I bring that to him. He makes me smile every day.
But I am still heart broken.