I should have gone on an afternoon walk yesterday during through the wind and crazy clouds – just waiting for the new snow.
I should have built up a towel tower to keep some of the blowing snow in overnight.
I should have been woken up this AM and jumped out of bed to see how much snow we got overnight.
I should have been on a snowshoe hike through the forest this morning.
I should have had to towel off a very snowy but happy husky when we got home. And had snow all over the entryway. And hallway. And living room. After many shakes.
I should have had to shovel a path on my deck when we got home. And kept cleaning up the snow blowing in from the open deck door. And more husky snow shakes.
I should have had to clean up all the towels and snow throughout the day. All day. And laughing about it even after saying “Noooo!”
I should have had to go on more snow adventures all day. Take pictures. Be happy with our April snow. The best snow since Christmas week.
I should be looking out every few minutes to see a snow covered husky lying happily in his snow pile. Burying his treats in his snow.
I did not have to do any of that. I did not get to do any of that.