Was having a perfectly fine day. Woke up early, did a few trades, took the recycling out early and it was so cold and crisp. The best kind of morning.
Did my first live Peloton ride. Was good. But don’t really see the point of caring if live or recorded. In fact – you get more stats on the screen when a recorded ride. A lot more high fives though lol. Did a cool down ride and an arm workout. Felt good.
Waited till the market closed to start my chore list which I made yesterday – determined to get it all done. Day was going just fine..and then I made the stupid mistake of opening FB because I saw a bunch of alerts. First thing was my memories of the day which was of course Smokey. Smokey out on a hike on a day exactly like today – some fresh snow on the ground. And I broke down in sobs instantly. Like..instantly. I could actually feel his fur as if I skooshed him. It was so real for a second. Sobbed for a solid 20 minutes. And now I’m just tired.
Still need to push myself to go out for a walk this afternoon. It’s cold and fresh snow all around. Smokey’s favorite. Probably not done crying for the day.
I miss him. I miss having my best friend with me all day. I miss hugging him. I miss him bugging me to go out in the fresh snow as soon as it was not pitch black out in the morning. And again in the afternoon. And seeing him sitting out on the deck in his fresh snow. And asking me for a treat.
I miss his happiness every day..which made me happy every day.