Did my first Peloton bike class today. Not a live one, a recorded one. Just tested a 15 minute class to see how I do. While shorter than my last 2 weeks of biking, we did a lot changing resistance, standing, sitting, etc. Not going to lie – kind of hated it. But will keep trying. I think I need to ease into that – a couple days of doing a class and the other days doing my free rides.
Did a long afternoon walk which was nice. Haven’t done a walk in a few days. Altho was pretty warm and sunny – that sucks. But snow and colder weather on the way this week supposedly. And was noticeably quieter here now that the holiday weekend bleed into ski week is over. Good fn riddance.
Then came home and moved an ice block about 2×3 feet big and at least 1 foot thick – it came off the roof and bounced off my generator roof and was now blocking it. Sigh. I’m not that strong – but was able to push that sucker off the other ice block that it landed on and leave it on my driveway where the sun should hit it tomorrow. See if I can break it up then.
Then shoveled my driveway to remove some ice and slush. And put ice melt in front of my bear box as for some reason, it’s an ice rink up there.
Then shoveled some snow off my back deck. I have not set foot on my back deck since losing Smokey. That was “his room”. His favorite place when there was snow, and most times really. And where he had his seizure. But I did it. Cleared a path. But then stopped. Enough for now.
I am so sore. And tired. Like – kinda of painful. Maybe that’s what I need – just be physically exhausted & sore all of the time.
Now I need a little BBT. Or Chicago PD.