a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

It’s #mobweek on AMC. They are showing The Godfather right now. It’s clear I will get less done today. A lot of running around during commercial breaks!

The Godfather series is in that select group that I will watch a gazillion times and just leave on whenever they are playing even though I have the DVDs. And Godfather part one is on my favorite movies of all time list. Love Michael.  And yes, I will still leave Godfather part 3 on even though it’s not in the same league. Still has Michael Corleone and I think Andy Garcia and George Hamilton are fantastic in it too.

Goodfellas, Scarface and Casino are great. But The Godfather is the crown jewel of mob movies. Period. But later when they play Goodfellas, I will probably leave that on too :) But they are playing tons of good movies all week. I should record the entire week! I hope they do this annually like Shark Week!  :)

When I imagine my trip to Italy that I WILL take some day, I imagine being able to walk around a lot in the sunshine in sundresses to little towns and get food and wine like Michael does with his bodyguards. I kinda doubt it’s really like that (simple and quiet) anymore but who knows. Maybe? This would also allow the caloric intake to be justified!

AMC is running mob tidbits with the commercials. Henry Hill, other relatives of old mobsters, crime reporters, former detectives, etc. Hysterically, Rudy Giuliani is hosting AMC’s Mob Week.  I assume he won’t be running for any office again?

One of the bits showed the Cosa Nostra org chart – very clearly lays out Boss and then Underboss. Storm says “See!!! I am the Underboss!!! I’ve always said that!!! Angelus is the boss and I’m the Underboss and all the other dogs on the beach or in the dogpark need to respect our chain of command!!! We are the Siberian fluffy mob! Mom, let’s get that org chart and hang it up!!”  He totally just said all that to me…



  1. squozed
    6:42 am on August 8th, 2011

    Ha – I always stop to watch GF, GFII or Goodfellas. Of the three, to me, Goodfellas is the most realistic portrayal of that lifestyle. GF and GFII are just cinematic beauty and III, well, er, it’s a movie.

    BTW, as long as you are friendly and willing to listen to a million stories, you can still walk around many italian villages and get stuff from the shops. :)

  2. I’m sure Goodfellas is the way it is now – if not crazier and worse and more on the Scarface level which I really don;t like to watch much even though I know Al Pacino does an amazing job. But I prefer the more organized world of organized crime in The Godfather :) Plus Michael dressed better ;)

    I’m totally friendly! As long as I can kind of understand the stories, that works for me :)