a99kitten's Musings

I blog about a WHOLE LOT of stuff :)

Preposterous: completely contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd; senseless; utterly foolish.

The freedoms offered by this country are ones of personal freedom and liberty. NOT the ability to get stuff handed out for free or be taken care of by others. Or by taking away the freedom and liberty from another person or organization so you can have your perceived freedom.  I’m not Catholic or Christian or particularly religious. However I believe in the freedom of religion.  If you make the personal choice to go to a religious school, perhaps you should have investigated things like this if they are so important to you. They have every right to stand by their long-held (aka no big damn surprise to anyone) convictions without government interference.

If you need birth control, you can get it through almost all health plans. Or Planned Parenthood. Yes, you might have to pay something out of pocket but so what? You should have to. Hck, my Ob/Gyn hands it for free with your annual exam. For Free. And if your insurance company won’t cover it (almost ALL plans do to some extent however), then use condoms. Or abstain. Those are all of your choices. And you are free to choose one that works for you.

But my tax dollars should not go to cover it. No way. No how. The government, businesses/employers, health care companies and tax payers are NOT responsible for you. You are responsible for your own condition. Period. There is no such thing as free birth control or healthcare or anything else. What’s free to you is being paid for by someone else.

Too many people in this country are growing more and more dependent on the government trough when the whole purpose of this country was for INDEPENDENCE.  People warred and died to have more independence and less overlord interference. Do not look to anyone but you. And maybe your family and friends. But certainly not the government. Not the tax-payers. Not your employer. Not your school. That is not their job.

Rush Limbaugh was out of line for calling her a slut. On the other hand, she put herself in the cross hairs with this issue. In today’s media-driven, 15 minutes of fame society, she knew she would be a subject of media attention. And frankly, I read so much crap in the media about Sarah Palin and her family  (who I don’t even like but will defend here) it was ridiculous. So not one person in the media has a stone to throw on this issue, even though they sure are.  And his sponsors cannot possibly be surprised. Do they never listen to his show?

The whole damn thing is preposterous.


  1. H.B.Pope
    6:19 pm on March 3rd, 2012

    Planned Parenthood is funded mostly through your tax dollars already. Just saying. Also any female in New York regardless of income or ins. status is eligible to get a Medicaid card through Planned Parenthood that pays for 100% of oral contraceptive costs.

    My point being that it is already free and paid for by your taxes (indirectly). It is just getting a lot of attention now because 0bama has his face attached to it.

  2. Yes. And I am against Planned Parenthood being funded by tax dollars as well. Which is a whole other reason for annoyance (and blog post!) The media attention to this piece of the subject, as well as the proposed government (further) involvement is gross. IMO.

  3. H.B.Pope
    6:34 pm on March 3rd, 2012

    I see where you are coming from. Definitely a topic for debate. I was always a fan of mass sterilization. Too easy for dumb people to mate and propagate the stupidity.

    Cool dogs BTW. Huskies and shepherds always scared the shit out of me.

  4. Heh…have given that option consideration in the past. Stupid people shouldn’t breed.

    Thanks! They are my fluffy monsters :)